Flux Power Holdings, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Flux Power Holdings, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: FLUX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Flux Power Holdings, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Flux Power Holdings, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for FLUX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
FLUX12:03:41 AM, 06/15/2024
Johnson Michael sold 134623 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$401176
FLUX12:10:23 AM, 05/22/2024
Johnson Michael sold 16453 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$54623
FLUX11:10:13 PM, 04/30/2024
Walters-Hoffert Lisa sold 5909 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$23813
FLUX10:40:48 PM, 04/30/2024
Walters-Hoffert Lisa sold 534 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$2403
FLUX01:56:08 AM, 04/23/2024
Walters-Hoffert Lisa sold 5909 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$23813
FLUX11:56:48 PM, 11/06/2023
Scheiwe Charles(CFO and Secretary) sold 638 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$2099
FLUX11:54:38 PM, 11/06/2023
Mason Jeffrey Curtis(Vice President of Operations) sold 389 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$1279
FLUX11:52:48 PM, 11/06/2023
DUTT RONALD F(CEO and President) sold 1221 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$4017
FLUX12:52:34 AM, 11/01/2023
DUTT RONALD F(CEO and President) sold 582 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$1920
FLUX12:23:48 AM, 10/31/2023
DUTT RONALD F(CEO and President) sold 1424 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$4715
FLUX12:19:15 AM, 10/31/2023
Scheiwe Charles(CFO and Secretary) sold 1067 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$3537
FLUX11:57:16 PM, 09/29/2023
Johnson Michael sold 30134 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$108789
FLUX11:38:50 PM, 09/25/2023
Walters-Hoffert Lisa sold 6761 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$26232
FLUX11:34:22 PM, 09/25/2023
Johnson Michael sold 9202 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$42329
FLUX11:29:19 PM, 09/20/2023
Johnson Michael sold 20000 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$85400
FLUX09:58:59 PM, 09/15/2023
Johnson Michael sold 10123 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$41023
FLUX08:43:35 PM, 06/16/2023
DUTT RONALD F(CEO and President) purchased 2650 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$10785
FLUX08:38:42 PM, 06/16/2023
Johnson Michael sold 4000 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$16600
FLUX11:42:30 PM, 06/12/2023
Johnson Michael sold 15000 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$61763
FLUX09:47:59 PM, 03/09/2023
Johnson Michael sold 155 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$1002
FLUX09:05:06 PM, 03/08/2023
Walters-Hoffert Lisa purchased 1000 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$6360
FLUX09:46:15 PM, 03/06/2023
Johnson Michael sold 29700 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$195921
FLUX09:39:15 PM, 03/02/2023
Johnson Michael sold 37700 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$252014
FLUX12:49:14 AM, 03/01/2023
Johnson Michael sold 10075 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$67335
FLUX09:05:25 PM, 02/17/2023
Bo-Linn Cheemin purchased 1469 shares of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (FLUX) for ~$10003

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