ENTERGY CORP /DE/ insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ENTERGY CORP /DE/

Welcome to our dedicated page for ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (NYSE: ETR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ENTERGY CORP /DE/'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ENTERGY CORP /DE/, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ETR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ETR12:15:05 AM, 12/17/2024
RODRIGUEZ DEANNA D. sold 6088 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$450146
ETR09:11:09 PM, 12/16/2024
RODRIGUEZ DEANNA D. sold 6088 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$450146
ETR09:07:10 PM, 11/29/2024
VIAMONTES ELIECER sold 244 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$38327
ETR10:08:20 PM, 11/26/2024
CHAPMAN JASON sold 7168 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$1093908
ETR09:54:37 PM, 11/13/2024
FISACKERLY HALEY sold 4134 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$616090
ETR09:06:49 PM, 11/12/2024
COOK-NELSON KIMBERLY(EVP & Chief Nuclear Officer) sold 25557 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$3802114
ETR09:19:24 PM, 11/07/2024
VIAMONTES ELIECER sold 325 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$47775
ETR09:47:28 PM, 11/06/2024
VIAMONTES ELIECER sold 1200 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$170964
ETR08:15:10 PM, 09/24/2024
NORGEOT PETER S JR(EVP & Chief Operating Officer) sold 7922 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$1029860
ETR08:15:17 PM, 09/17/2024
NORGEOT PETER S JR(EVP & Chief Operating Officer) sold 7000 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$875000
ETR08:13:44 PM, 09/17/2024
Marsh Andrew S(Chair and CEO) sold 45000 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$5684400
ETR08:22:37 PM, 09/10/2024
NORGEOT PETER S JR(EVP & Chief Operating Officer) sold 3250 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$398320
ETR08:13:35 PM, 09/09/2024
RODRIGUEZ DEANNA D. sold 1500 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$184440
ETR12:51:40 AM, 09/05/2024
VIAMONTES ELIECER sold 5166 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$619920
ETR12:42:44 AM, 09/05/2024
Marsh Andrew S(Chair and CEO) sold 19200 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$2310720
ETR08:52:41 PM, 08/29/2024
Marsh Andrew S(Chair and CEO) sold 600 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$72018
ETR08:16:38 PM, 08/27/2024
NORGEOT PETER S JR(EVP & Chief Operating Officer) sold 8101 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$972120
ETR08:15:02 PM, 08/27/2024
Marsh Andrew S(Chair and CEO) sold 1000 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$120060
ETR08:12:55 PM, 08/27/2024
FISACKERLY HALEY sold 500 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$59820
ETR08:43:23 PM, 08/26/2024
MINOR ANASTASIA sold 2000 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$238660
ETR08:41:31 PM, 08/26/2024
COOK-NELSON KIMBERLY(EVP & Chief Nuclear Officer) sold 6000 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$712860
ETR08:04:01 PM, 08/16/2024
WEST RODERICK K(Group President, Utility Ops) sold 17119 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$2000183
ETR08:17:49 PM, 08/09/2024
NORGEOT PETER S JR(EVP & Chief Operating Officer) sold 11472 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$1321115
ETR08:13:35 PM, 08/07/2024
Marsh Andrew S(Chair and CEO) sold 3200 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$388672
ETR12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
FISACKERLY HALEY sold 1500 shares of ENTERGY CORP /DE/ (ETR) for ~$165345

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