CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (Nasdaq: CPRX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for CPRX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
CPRX10:00:29 PM, 12/11/2024
Miller Steve(Chief Op. & Scientific Officer) sold 50000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$1096500
CPRX01:09:20 AM, 11/30/2024
INGENITO GARY(Chief Med. & Reg. Officer) sold 12000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$272643
CPRX01:09:03 AM, 11/30/2024
Harper Molly sold 17500 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$385000
CPRX01:08:45 AM, 11/30/2024
Elsbernd Brian(Chief Compliance/Legal Officer) sold 13256 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$286715
CPRX10:00:09 PM, 11/22/2024
INGENITO GARY(Chief Med. & Reg. Officer) sold 38000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$805600
CPRX10:11:39 PM, 11/21/2024
MCENANY PATRICK J sold 170845 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$3627455
CPRX10:00:11 PM, 11/15/2024
MCENANY PATRICK J sold 137155 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$3096896
CPRX10:44:37 PM, 11/13/2024
MCENANY PATRICK J sold 492000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$11510300
CPRX09:00:13 PM, 08/23/2024
Tierney David S sold 15000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$301500
CPRX09:00:11 PM, 08/22/2024
Miller Steve(Chief Op. & Scientific Officer) sold 150000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$3053000
CPRX09:01:29 PM, 08/13/2024
Del Carmen Jeffrey(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 36058 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$664309
CPRX09:01:01 PM, 08/13/2024
INGENITO GARY(Chief Med. & Reg. Officer) sold 100000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$1804000
CPRX09:00:19 PM, 06/11/2024
Del Carmen Jeffrey(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 7541 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$121183
CPRX09:00:08 PM, 06/07/2024
INGENITO GARY(Chief Med. & Reg. Officer) sold 80000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$1292800
CPRX09:00:50 PM, 06/05/2024
Daly Richard J(President and CEO) sold 17323 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$276648
CPRX09:00:21 PM, 06/05/2024
Harper Molly sold 5333 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$86927
CPRX09:15:34 PM, 04/10/2024
Tierney David S sold 25000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$392000
CPRX08:45:34 PM, 03/28/2024
Elsbernd Brian(Chief Compliance/Legal Officer) sold 25000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$411000
CPRX10:00:18 PM, 12/19/2023
Harper Molly sold 14000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$201420
CPRX10:00:09 PM, 12/14/2023
Tierney David S sold 50000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$666000
CPRX10:00:41 PM, 12/12/2023
GRANDE ALICIA(VP, Treasurer and CFO) sold 100000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$1396900
CPRX10:00:09 PM, 12/08/2023
INGENITO GARY(Chief Med. & Reg. Officer) sold 50000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$701000
CPRX10:00:14 PM, 12/07/2023
Miller Steve(Chief Op. & Scientific Officer) sold 40000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$569600
CPRX09:04:23 PM, 05/17/2023
MCENANY PATRICK J(President and CEO) sold 26151 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$345977
CPRX09:00:21 PM, 04/07/2023
Tierney David S sold 30000 shares of CATALYST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (CPRX) for ~$504899

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