Core Scientific, Inc./tx insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Core Scientific, Inc./tx

Welcome to our dedicated page for Core Scientific, Inc./tx (Nasdaq: CORZ) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Core Scientific, Inc./tx's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Core Scientific, Inc./tx, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for CORZ
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
CORZ11:51:25 PM, 11/22/2024
Rozov Yadin sold 105000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$1901550
CORZ02:07:31 AM, 11/21/2024
DUCHENE TODD M(See remarks) sold 25000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$427500
CORZ11:20:51 PM, 09/16/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 2240 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$24752
CORZ08:21:10 PM, 09/12/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 2100 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$21210
CORZ08:09:26 PM, 09/11/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 2100 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$20790
CORZ08:18:07 PM, 09/10/2024
Weiss Eric Stanton purchased 5000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$46050
CORZ08:29:06 PM, 09/05/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 7800 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$72384
CORZ08:57:01 PM, 09/04/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 5021 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$48603
CORZ08:42:56 PM, 09/03/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 1500 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$14924
CORZ08:54:34 PM, 08/29/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 4000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$38800
CORZ08:21:01 PM, 08/22/2024
Levy Jordan purchased 48700 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$496739
CORZ08:45:52 PM, 08/19/2024
Sterling Denise Marie Brucia(Chief Financial Officer) sold 8752 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$82356
CORZ08:45:37 PM, 08/19/2024
DUCHENE TODD M(See remarks) sold 11582 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$108986
CORZ08:07:27 PM, 06/27/2024
DUCHENE TODD M(See remarks) sold 7321 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$68744
CORZ08:18:40 PM, 06/17/2024
DUCHENE TODD M(See remarks) sold 30000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$297339
CORZ12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Sterling Denise Marie Brucia(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4261 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$15595
CORZ08:17:31 PM, 03/19/2024
Patten Jarrod M purchased 100000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$332000
CORZ08:17:15 PM, 03/19/2024
Becker Todd A purchased 130000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$410800
CORZ11:46:21 PM, 03/18/2024
Weiss Eric Stanton purchased 15000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$45450
CORZ11:46:00 PM, 03/18/2024
Sullivan Adam Taylor(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 65300 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$199818
CORZ11:45:25 PM, 03/18/2024
Rozov Yadin purchased 80000 shares of Core Scientific, Inc./tx (CORZ) for ~$245600

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