BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (NYSE: BRN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for BRN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
BRN12:35:14 AM, 08/30/2024
Hopkins Craig Douglas(President and CEO) purchased 10000 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$24350
BRN09:31:37 PM, 08/23/2024
Horowitz Joshua purchased 17096 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$38900
BRN09:08:07 PM, 05/31/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 28426 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$81813
BRN08:52:35 PM, 05/22/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 22486 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$63327
BRN08:50:02 PM, 05/08/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 8782 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$24599
BRN09:01:33 PM, 04/26/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 38324 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$105772
BRN09:05:07 PM, 04/22/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 52150 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$146262
BRN08:52:07 PM, 04/17/2024
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 88411 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$237698
BRN01:13:29 AM, 03/05/2024
Horowitz Joshua purchased 11663 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$26425
BRN10:53:51 PM, 12/22/2023
Horowitz Joshua purchased 27209 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$63304
BRN09:55:41 PM, 11/29/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 30719 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$78755
BRN10:01:18 PM, 11/16/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 29045 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$76473
BRN09:10:36 PM, 10/17/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 74005 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$192007
BRN09:09:54 PM, 09/08/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 64968 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$175412
BRN10:05:14 AM, 09/05/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 99426 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$258222
BRN09:20:19 PM, 08/17/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 63841 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$168084
BRN01:08:52 AM, 05/27/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 169632 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$447250
BRN09:31:30 PM, 04/26/2023
Horowitz Joshua purchased 20244 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$54611
BRN10:12:24 AM, 04/20/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 79119 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$212197
BRN11:40:43 AM, 04/07/2023
SHERWOOD NED L purchased 201505 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$550108
BRN08:35:50 PM, 03/23/2023
KINZLER ALEXANDER C(President and CEO) purchased 10000 shares of BARNWELL INDUSTRIES INC (BRN) for ~$21400

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