Aspira Women's Health Inc. insider trading activity
Understanding Insider Activity at Aspira Women's Health Inc.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Aspira Women's Health Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.
How to Use This Data:
Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.
While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.
Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Aspira Women's Health Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.
Track insider trades for AWHTicker | Time & Date | Filing | Link |
AWH | 09:15:45 PM, 07/11/2024 | SCHULER JACK W purchased 6536 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$null | Filing |
AWH | 08:12:21 PM, 06/18/2024 | SCHULER JACK W purchased 28500 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$null | Filing |
AWH | 09:30:57 PM, 06/03/2024 | Sandford Nicole(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 9493 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$22973 | Filing |
AWH | 01:31:35 AM, 01/31/2024 | Sandford Nicole(President & CEO) purchased 2400 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$null | Filing |
AWH | 10:28:05 PM, 12/08/2023 | Merchant Minh Hoang(Secretary & General Counsel) sold 980 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$3302 | Filing |
AWH | 10:21:55 PM, 12/06/2023 | Sandford Nicole(President & CEO) purchased 5000 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$16800 | Filing |
AWH | 10:37:56 PM, 09/12/2023 | Hombeck Torsten(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 2246 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$9657 | Filing |
AWH | 11:28:37 PM, 07/26/2023 | Fralick Celeste Rachelle purchased 754 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$3000 | Filing |
AWH | 08:28:42 PM, 07/26/2023 | Vos Ellen O'Connor purchased 3769 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$15000 | Filing |
AWH | 09:39:48 PM, 07/25/2023 | SCHULER JACK W purchased 181800 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$499950 | Filing |
AWH | 09:20:35 PM, 07/25/2023 | Cavanaugh Stefanie L. purchased 6281 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$24998 | Filing |
AWH | 09:16:06 PM, 07/25/2023 | Sandford Nicole(President & CEO) purchased 12563 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$50000 | Filing |
AWH | 09:11:21 PM, 07/25/2023 | Phan Ryan Thinh(CSO & COO) purchased 628 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$2499 | Filing |
AWH | 09:03:28 PM, 07/25/2023 | Parnell Winfred purchased 6281 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$24998 | Filing |
AWH | 08:58:36 PM, 07/25/2023 | Merchant Minh Hoang(General counsel and secretary) purchased 754 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$3000 | Filing |
AWH | 10:58:26 PM, 07/24/2023 | Jordan Veronica GH purchased 3769 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$15000 | Filing |
AWH | 10:53:23 PM, 07/24/2023 | Hombeck Torsten(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 754 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$3000 | Filing |
AWH | 10:49:38 PM, 07/24/2023 | Herchuk Jannie Prestridge purchased 8794 shares of Aspira Women's Health Inc. (AWH) for ~$35000 | Filing |
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