Augmedix, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Augmedix, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Augmedix, Inc. (Nasdaq: AUGX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Augmedix, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Augmedix, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for AUGX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
AUGX01:00:27 AM, 05/18/2024
Chatterjee Saurav(CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER) sold 1767 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$2102
AUGX01:00:23 AM, 05/18/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 1387 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$1650
AUGX01:00:22 AM, 05/18/2024
Ginocchio Paul(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 2354 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$2801
AUGX01:00:18 AM, 05/18/2024
Hawkins Jonathan(CHIEF REVENUE OFFICER) sold 1767 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$2102
AUGX01:00:14 AM, 05/18/2024
Krakaris Emmanuel(PRESIDENT, CEO, AND SECRETARY) sold 3528 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$4198
AUGX01:00:11 AM, 05/18/2024
Breber Sandra(CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) sold 2354 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$2801
AUGX01:07:21 AM, 04/17/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 500 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$1900
AUGX01:15:05 AM, 04/16/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 19544 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$74658
AUGX12:30:07 AM, 04/12/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 92787 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$369087
AUGX12:49:30 AM, 04/10/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 89167 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$357075
AUGX12:47:13 AM, 04/10/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 31994 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$129895
AUGX12:30:04 AM, 04/05/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 109961 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$454501
AUGX01:30:11 AM, 04/04/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 97441 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$380036
AUGX12:28:11 AM, 04/02/2024
Shakil Ian(CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) sold 31994 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$129895
AUGX12:00:06 PM, 11/27/2023
Ginocchio Paul(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) purchased 10000 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$48500
AUGX09:15:24 PM, 11/22/2023
Redmile Group, LLC purchased 1500000 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$6000000
AUGX09:50:05 PM, 06/16/2023
Traylor Margie L. purchased 26529 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$119645
AUGX01:53:29 AM, 04/22/2023
Redmile Group, LLC purchased 1625000 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$6500000
AUGX09:10:24 PM, 12/15/2022
McKesson Ventures, LLC sold 2410000 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$2530500
AUGX09:06:21 PM, 12/15/2022
Ginocchio Paul(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) purchased 18000 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$21600
AUGX09:17:43 PM, 10/06/2022
McKesson Ventures, LLC sold 8601 shares of Augmedix, Inc. (AUGX) for ~$11234.24

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