AUTONATION, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at AUTONATION, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for AUTONATION, INC. (NYSE: AN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by AUTONATION, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for AUTONATION, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for AN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
AN09:29:21 PM, 12/09/2024
GRUSKY ROBERT R sold 1000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$179790
AN09:30:09 PM, 11/25/2024
DEES KIMBERLY(SVP & CAO) sold 453 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$76973
AN01:30:03 AM, 08/28/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 50419 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$9212386
AN08:11:13 PM, 08/05/2024
GRUSKY ROBERT R sold 350 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$63763
AN01:30:03 AM, 08/03/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 53562 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$10361568
AN01:30:03 AM, 08/03/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 53562 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$10361568
AN01:30:04 AM, 07/17/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 124770 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$21899345
AN08:28:16 PM, 05/01/2024
EDELSON DAVID B sold 10000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$1680000
AN01:30:06 AM, 03/23/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 263100 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$42978784
AN11:18:30 PM, 03/05/2024
Lutoff-Perlo Lisa sold 3671 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$549438
AN11:05:49 PM, 03/05/2024
DEES KIMBERLY(SVP & CAO) sold 3133 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$477093
AN10:32:20 PM, 02/16/2024
TRAVISANO JACQUELINE A sold 3671 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$539563
AN02:30:07 AM, 02/15/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 10804 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$1669866
AN02:30:05 AM, 01/25/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 380497 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$54456730
AN02:30:07 AM, 01/13/2024
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 77284 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$11019152
AN02:30:05 AM, 12/27/2023
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 150963 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$22958857
AN08:06:42 PM, 08/23/2023
Mikan George Lawrence III sold 16771 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$2676456
AN08:05:24 PM, 08/23/2023
GRUSKY ROBERT R sold 5000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$803070
AN08:05:18 PM, 08/15/2023
EDMUNDS C COLEMAN(EVP, Gen Counsel & Corp Sec) sold 4500 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$721575
AN08:05:29 PM, 08/02/2023
Lower Joseph T(EVP & CFO) sold 10000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$1579629
AN08:06:01 PM, 07/27/2023
Lower Joseph T(EVP & CFO) sold 10000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$1506100
AN01:30:58 AM, 07/14/2023
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 116480 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$20848902
AN01:30:28 AM, 06/16/2023
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 89344 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$13465034
AN08:05:26 PM, 06/12/2023
Manley Michael Mark(CEO and Director) purchased 7000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$1014235
AN01:30:51 AM, 06/10/2023
LAMPERT EDWARD S sold 50000 shares of AUTONATION, INC. (AN) for ~$7259500

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