Accenture plc insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Accenture plc

Welcome to our dedicated page for Accenture plc (NYSE: ACN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Accenture plc's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Accenture plc, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ACN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ACN01:41:31 AM, 12/24/2024
Beatty Angela(Chief Leadership & HR Officer) sold 375 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$134437
ACN02:06:27 PM, 11/05/2024
Sekido Ryoji(Co-CEO Asia Pacific) sold 3191 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1096765
ACN08:17:06 PM, 10/29/2024
Sweet Julie Spellman(Chair and CEO) sold 8136 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$2945775
ACN08:06:37 PM, 10/24/2024
Unruch Joel(General Counsel/Corp Secretary) sold 4750 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1757391
ACN08:07:48 PM, 10/23/2024
Sharma Manish(CEO-The Americas) sold 4618 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1718355
ACN08:07:36 PM, 10/23/2024
Beatty Angela(Chief Leadership & HR Officer) sold 673 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$250476
ACN08:07:25 PM, 10/23/2024
Macchi Mauro(Chief Executive Officer-EMEA) sold 1000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$372349
ACN08:12:58 PM, 10/22/2024
Sweet Julie Spellman(Chair and CEO) sold 9000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$3385467
ACN01:06:09 PM, 10/18/2024
McClure Kathleen R(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5090 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1899701
ACN01:05:59 PM, 10/18/2024
Walsh John F(Chief Operating Officer) sold 5000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1866202
ACN01:05:49 PM, 10/18/2024
Burgum Melissa A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 458 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$170946
ACN08:13:23 PM, 07/24/2024
Shook Ellyn(Chief Leadership & HR Officer) sold 5000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1649113
ACN08:23:17 PM, 07/23/2024
Unruch Joel(General Counsel/Corp Secretary) sold 8145 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$2696443
ACN01:10:57 AM, 07/16/2024
McClure Kathleen R(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1500 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$472500
ACN08:14:25 PM, 07/15/2024
McClure Kathleen R(Chief Financial Officer) sold 3000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$927670
ACN08:14:13 PM, 07/15/2024
Sweet Julie Spellman(Chair and CEO) sold 3776 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1166964
ACN08:14:01 PM, 07/15/2024
Ollagnier Jean-Marc(CEO EMEA) sold 6250 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1931862
ACN08:13:48 PM, 07/15/2024
Framil Leonardo(CEO-Growth Markets) sold 4000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1227526
ACN12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
PELISSON Gilles sold 7288 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$2244849
ACN01:06:49 PM, 04/26/2024
Shook Ellyn(Chief Leadership & HR Officer) sold 5000 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1536098
ACN08:25:12 PM, 04/22/2024
Unruch Joel(General Counsel/Corp Secretary) sold 4333 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1369741
ACN08:12:02 PM, 04/16/2024
McClure Kathleen R(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4500 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1422014
ACN08:11:38 PM, 04/16/2024
Ollagnier Jean-Marc(CEO EMEA) sold 6250 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1974434
ACN08:11:18 PM, 04/16/2024
Sweet Julie Spellman(Chair and CEO) sold 3801 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$1200846
ACN08:11:00 PM, 04/16/2024
Sharma Manish(CEO-North America) sold 1501 shares of Accenture plc (ACN) for ~$474211

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