AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (NYSE: A) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for A
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
A05:08:29 PM, 09/30/2024
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(President and CEO) sold 47 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$7050
A09:02:49 PM, 09/27/2024
Grau Dominique(Senior Vice President) sold 15000 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$2175000
A03:43:05 PM, 08/23/2024
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(President and CEO) sold 1958 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$283910
A02:42:22 PM, 07/30/2024
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(President and CEO) sold 1958 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$274120
A10:54:56 PM, 06/20/2024
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(President and CEO) sold 1958 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$264330
A02:40:06 PM, 06/12/2024
Grau Dominique(Senior Vice President) sold 15000 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$1999200
A02:08:17 PM, 06/05/2024
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(President and CEO) sold 1958 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$254540
A05:29:12 PM, 03/27/2024
Binns Philip(Senior Vice President) sold 2827 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$417095
A06:37:34 PM, 03/12/2024
McMullen Michael R.(CEO and President) sold 52297 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$7844550
A05:05:03 PM, 03/08/2024
Gonsalves Rodney(V.P., Corporate Controller) sold 4828 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$719372
A03:38:37 PM, 03/07/2024
FIELDS HEIDI sold 1658 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$239315
A06:46:59 PM, 12/28/2023
Binns Philip(Senior Vice President) sold 2880 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$402566
A07:34:28 PM, 12/19/2023
Gonsalves Rodney(V.P., Corporate Controller) sold 1500 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$206535
A07:33:07 PM, 12/19/2023
Ancher-Jensen Henrik(Sr Vice President) sold 26331 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$3643157
A10:08:59 PM, 12/15/2023
McMullen Michael R.(CEO and President) sold 2751 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$357630
A07:59:53 PM, 12/08/2023
McMullen Michael R.(CEO and President) sold 62467 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$8120710
A08:03:46 PM, 09/29/2023
Gonsalves Rodney(V.P., Corporate Controller) purchased 2 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$222
A04:53:00 PM, 08/25/2023
Gonsalves Rodney(V.P., Corporate Controller) sold 3500 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$415730
A07:03:36 PM, 07/31/2023
McMullen Michael R.(CEO and President) sold 944 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$122720
A05:22:45 PM, 12/15/2022
Ancher-Jensen Henrik(Sr Vice President) sold 29500 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$4595510
A05:21:27 PM, 12/15/2022
MCDONNELL PADRAIG(Sr. Vice President) sold 672 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$107520
A05:20:38 PM, 12/15/2022
Grau Dominique(Senior Vice President) sold 4000 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$636800
A04:31:11 PM, 12/08/2022
KOH BOON HWEE sold 13000 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$1978730
A06:45:00 PM, 12/02/2022
Thaysen Jacob(Sr. Vice President) sold 12935 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$2003438
A08:47:31 PM, 11/28/2022
Gonsalves Rodney(V.P., Corporate Controller) sold 4634 shares of AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) for ~$723830

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