DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY trading activity

TickerTime & DateFilingLink
COP08:30:34 PM, 05/09/2023DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 1000 shares of CONOCOPHILLIPS (COP) for ~$102080Filing
JBT04:27:08 PM, 04/19/2023DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 300 shares of John Bean Technologies CORP (JBT) for ~$32241Filing
JBT07:13:16 PM, 03/22/2023DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 300 shares of John Bean Technologies CORP (JBT) for ~$30651Filing
JBT09:12:03 PM, 02/22/2023DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 300 shares of John Bean Technologies CORP (JBT) for ~$32895Filing
JBT08:05:44 PM, 01/19/2023DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 300 shares of John Bean Technologies CORP (JBT) for ~$30470Filing
JBT11:21:07 PM, 12/20/2022DEVINE CAROLINE MAURY sold 300 shares of John Bean Technologies CORP (JBT) for ~$26475Filing

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