WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (NYSE: WTS) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for WTS
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
WTS11:00:31 AM, 11/12/2024Patel Shashank(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5933 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$1239620Filing
WTS02:54:07 PM, 11/08/2024Patel Shashank(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4569 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$955377Filing
WTS01:08:41 PM, 11/08/2024Pagano Robert J Jr(President and CEO) sold 20810 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$4415951Filing
WTS09:10:00 PM, 11/07/2024Lepage Kenneth Robert(General Counsel) sold 2607 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$554570Filing
WTS09:09:02 PM, 11/07/2024Barry Monica(Chief HR Officer) sold 1559 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$331318Filing
WTS09:48:05 PM, 11/06/2024HORNE TIMOTHY P sold 5000 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$1072600Filing
WTS09:42:10 PM, 11/04/2024Lepage Kenneth Robert(General Counsel) sold 3429 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$667454Filing
WTS08:40:49 PM, 08/21/2024Melhem Elie(President- APAC, M. East, Afr.) sold 1710 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$316621Filing
WTS03:31:27 PM, 08/16/2024Dubose Michael J. sold 315 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$58567Filing
WTS01:50:22 PM, 05/24/2024HORNE TIMOTHY P sold 5000 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$1061148Filing
WTS12:47:54 PM, 05/24/2024Patel Shashank(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1508 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$324370Filing
WTS02:06:30 PM, 05/21/2024Melhem Elie(President- APAC, M. East, Afr.) sold 2051 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$442011Filing
WTS07:23:29 PM, 03/18/2024Halloran Virginia A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 1407 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$285361Filing
WTS02:15:53 PM, 03/15/2024Halloran Virginia A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 1520 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$307207Filing
WTS09:45:53 PM, 03/01/2024Noonan Joseph T sold 1813 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$373731Filing
WTS12:34:02 AM, 02/28/2024HORNE TIMOTHY P sold 10000 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$1990831Filing
WTS09:12:30 PM, 02/27/2024Lepage Kenneth Robert(General Counsel) sold 4679 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$922324Filing
WTS11:25:25 AM, 02/26/2024Dubose Michael J. sold 329 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$65112Filing
WTS09:58:31 PM, 02/15/2024Melhem Elie(President- APAC, M. East, Afr.) sold 2500 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$498750Filing
WTS08:08:35 PM, 09/05/2023Lepage Kenneth Robert(General Counsel) sold 9403 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$1771128Filing
WTS08:08:30 PM, 09/05/2023Patel Shashank(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2336 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$444165Filing
WTS01:14:04 PM, 06/12/2023Melhem Elie(President- APAC, M. East, Afr.) sold 565 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$99180Filing
WTS01:12:47 PM, 06/07/2023Noonan Joseph T sold 1359 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$233625Filing
WTS01:54:38 PM, 05/31/2023Noonan Joseph T sold 2490 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$408360Filing
WTS02:51:35 PM, 05/19/2023HORNE TIMOTHY P sold 13000 shares of WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC (WTS) for ~$2149072Filing

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