ENERGY FUELS INC insider trading activity
Understanding Insider Activity at ENERGY FUELS INC
Welcome to our dedicated page for ENERGY FUELS INC (NYSE: UUUU) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ENERGY FUELS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.
How to Use This Data:
Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.
While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.
Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ENERGY FUELS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.
Track insider trades for UUUUTicker | Time & Date | Filing | Link |
UUUU | 08:54:05 PM, 12/18/2024 | Morrison Alex G sold 17500 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$100100 | Filing |
UUUU | 07:47:07 PM, 11/21/2024 | HIGGS DENNIS LYLE sold 18615 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$134586 | Filing |
UUUU | 06:46:42 PM, 10/15/2024 | SHUMWAY LOGAN(VP, Processing Operations) purchased 1500 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$8084 | Filing |
UUUU | 12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024 | HERRERA JAQUELINE purchased 3979 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$24515 | Filing |
UUUU | 03:39:28 PM, 05/09/2024 | Bennett Nathan Reed(CAO / Interim CFO) purchased 1500 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$8820 | Filing |
UUUU | 11:02:31 PM, 05/08/2024 | Eshleman Benjamin III purchased 5000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$29600 | Filing |
UUUU | 10:59:20 PM, 05/08/2024 | Kirkwood Robert W. purchased 25750 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$150380 | Filing |
UUUU | 09:25:45 PM, 05/07/2024 | HANSEN BRUCE D purchased 6000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$34980 | Filing |
UUUU | 08:32:27 PM, 05/07/2024 | SHUMWAY LOGAN(VP Conventional Operations) purchased 4000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$23360 | Filing |
UUUU | 06:54:55 PM, 05/07/2024 | Chalmers Mark(President & CEO) purchased 16838 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$98670 | Filing |
UUUU | 05:13:02 PM, 05/07/2024 | Frydenlund David C.(Executive VP, CLO and) purchased 834 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$4887 | Filing |
UUUU | 05:08:56 PM, 05/07/2024 | Filas Barbara Appelin purchased 1700 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$9826 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:30:17 PM, 05/07/2024 | NAZARENUS DEE ANN(VP Human Resources and) purchased 164 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$962 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:26:19 PM, 05/07/2024 | Bovaird J. Birks purchased 1000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$7850 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:21:53 PM, 05/07/2024 | KAPOSTASY DANIEL(VP Technical Services) purchased 1015 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$5988 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:16:22 PM, 05/07/2024 | ESTABROOKE IVY purchased 1740 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$10022 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:12:03 PM, 05/07/2024 | Morrison Alex G purchased 1600 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$9248 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:03:32 PM, 05/07/2024 | Moore Curtis(Senior VP Marketing and) purchased 1000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$5630 | Filing |
UUUU | 07:30:59 PM, 04/04/2024 | Bovaird J. Birks sold 10000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$92800 | Filing |
UUUU | 11:00:29 PM, 01/05/2024 | KAPOSTASY DANIEL(VP Technical Services) sold 6100 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$41785 | Filing |
UUUU | 06:16:41 PM, 11/17/2023 | Bovaird J. Birks sold 6000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$69000 | Filing |
UUUU | 02:48:57 PM, 06/20/2023 | Moore Curtis(Senior VP Marketing and) sold 9800 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$62426 | Filing |
UUUU | 07:22:13 PM, 06/15/2023 | Moore Curtis(Senior VP Marketing and) sold 14500 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$100050 | Filing |
UUUU | 03:00:25 PM, 06/07/2023 | Filas Barbara Appelin sold 10000 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$62500 | Filing |
UUUU | 04:48:48 PM, 06/06/2023 | Moore Curtis(Senior VP Marketing and) sold 15774 shares of ENERGY FUELS INC (UUUU) for ~$100795 | Filing |
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