TransDigm Group INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TransDigm Group INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for TransDigm Group INC (NYSE: TDG) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TransDigm Group INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TransDigm Group INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TDG
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TDG09:36:31 PM, 12/17/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$6968494
TDG10:00:42 PM, 12/16/2024
Stein Kevin M(President & CEO) sold 20000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$24961343
TDG09:57:06 PM, 12/16/2024
SMALL ROBERT J sold 38053 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$47519802
TDG09:33:03 PM, 11/20/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$3760160
TDG09:31:26 PM, 11/19/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$6934600
TDG08:36:29 PM, 10/17/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$4205241
TDG08:36:10 PM, 10/17/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$7676393
TDG08:55:10 PM, 09/18/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$4127664
TDG08:54:08 PM, 09/18/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$7531785
TDG08:33:12 PM, 08/16/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$3793140
TDG08:33:04 PM, 08/16/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$6917499
TDG08:46:30 PM, 08/14/2024
Stein Kevin M(President & CEO) sold 10000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$12282360
TDG08:44:44 PM, 07/16/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5073 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$6302199
TDG08:43:48 PM, 07/16/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$3724778
TDG08:42:45 PM, 07/16/2024
Stein Kevin M(President & CEO) sold 10000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$12486024
TDG08:43:03 PM, 06/18/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$3935014
TDG08:42:56 PM, 06/18/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 5472 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$7207823
TDG01:20:49 AM, 06/14/2024
Stein Kevin M(President & CEO) sold 10000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$13085180
TDG01:33:37 AM, 06/13/2024
SMALL ROBERT J sold 21210 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$27909574
TDG12:53:14 AM, 06/12/2024
SMALL ROBERT J sold 42500 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$56117042
TDG08:34:07 PM, 06/10/2024
Warren Jessica L(GC, CCO, Secretary) sold 925 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$1238891
TDG12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Reiss Joel(Co-Chief Operating Officer) sold 3000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$3848333
TDG12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Stein Kevin M(President & CEO) sold 10000 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$12928876
TDG12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Howley W Nicholas sold 196 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$258355
TDG12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
Santana Michele sold 10 shares of TransDigm Group INC (TDG) for ~$7663

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