SoFi Technologies, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SoFi Technologies, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for SoFi Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: SOFI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SoFi Technologies, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SoFi Technologies, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SOFI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SOFI01:29:38 AM, 12/24/2024
Keough Kelli(EVP, GBUL, SIPS) sold 8914 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$138969
SOFI12:35:25 AM, 12/21/2024
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 64991 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$1021658
SOFI10:39:37 PM, 12/16/2024
Schuppenhauer Eric(EVP GBUL Borrow) purchased 30599 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$499987
SOFI11:58:04 PM, 12/13/2024
Ruzwana Bashir sold 52000 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$833040
SOFI01:12:22 AM, 12/05/2024
SLTA IV (GP), L.L.C. sold 31154165 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$498815049
SOFI11:46:17 PM, 11/22/2024
Keough Kelli(EVP, GBUL, SIPS) sold 9590 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$139630
SOFI12:41:32 AM, 10/24/2024
Keough Kelli(EVP, GBUL, SIPS) sold 9308 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$96430
SOFI10:23:01 PM, 09/24/2024
Keough Kelli(EVP, GBUL, SIPS) sold 9308 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$74370
SOFI10:22:35 PM, 09/24/2024
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 68081 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$552817
SOFI10:23:55 PM, 08/26/2024
Keough Kelli(EVP, GBUL, SIPS) sold 24939 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$181057
SOFI10:12:02 PM, 06/21/2024
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 56273 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$360709
SOFI05:50:28 PM, 06/14/2024
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 30715 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$199033
SOFI11:41:20 AM, 06/14/2024
Qatar Investment Authority sold 19840073 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$134515694
SOFI10:12:54 AM, 05/28/2024
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 28860 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$199711
SOFI06:08:31 PM, 05/23/2024
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 28900 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$199988
SOFI10:02:04 AM, 05/06/2024
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 28775 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$198547
SOFI10:37:35 PM, 03/21/2024
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 56273 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$389971
SOFI11:24:48 PM, 12/21/2023
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 56273 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$550349
SOFI06:47:39 PM, 11/21/2023
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 22500 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$146250
SOFI08:24:37 PM, 11/09/2023
Noto Anthony(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 44000 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$298320
SOFI07:37:20 PM, 11/09/2023
Lapointe Christopher(CFO and PAO) purchased 14950 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$100015
SOFI01:13:25 AM, 11/09/2023
Stafford Webb Lauren(Chief Marketing Officer) sold 135832 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$1029606
SOFI12:23:19 AM, 11/07/2023
Borton Chad M(President - SoFi Bank) sold 152041 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$1214807
SOFI12:21:32 AM, 11/07/2023
Webster Aaron(Chief Risk Officer) sold 215299 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$1739615
SOFI08:04:06 PM, 09/05/2023
Rishel Jeremy(Chief Technology Officer) sold 53532 shares of SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) for ~$475364

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