SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO

Welcome to our dedicated page for SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (NYSE: SMG) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SMG
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SMG09:46:11 PM, 12/11/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 108550 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$8100353
SMG09:44:35 PM, 12/11/2024
HAGEDORN ROBERT sold 108550 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$8100353
SMG08:44:42 PM, 12/10/2024
Baxter Nathan Eric(EVP and COO) sold 11359 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$856104
SMG03:43:43 PM, 12/05/2024
HAGEDORN JAMES(CEO and Chairman) sold 18368 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$1390090
SMG10:23:51 PM, 12/02/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 28500 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$2163952
SMG09:08:25 PM, 08/23/2024
Baxter Nathan Eric(EVP and COO) sold 3916 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$277419
SMG09:07:43 PM, 08/23/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 111594 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$7905624
SMG02:59:55 PM, 08/02/2024
Johnson Stephen L sold 960 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$74832
SMG12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 83644 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$5689676
SMG09:08:30 PM, 03/06/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 86356 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$5648844
SMG10:00:30 PM, 02/26/2024
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 15000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$876000
SMG05:17:45 PM, 02/22/2024
Johnson Stephen L sold 1394 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$79945
SMG09:03:41 PM, 12/14/2023
Mistretta Nancy G. sold 4200 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$257402
SMG08:54:42 PM, 12/14/2023
KELLY THOMAS N JR sold 4910 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$278151
SMG09:09:18 PM, 12/11/2023
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 73927 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$4516410
SMG04:52:16 PM, 11/21/2023
DeMuesy Julie(SVP, CHIEF HR OFFICER) sold 2109 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$119622
SMG05:52:43 PM, 11/06/2023
HAGEDORN JAMES(Chairman, CEO and President) sold 80692 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$4278288
SMG08:12:13 PM, 08/22/2023
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 71480 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$3558781
SMG05:35:24 PM, 08/07/2023
HAGEDORN JAMES(Chairman and CEO) sold 55000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$3097479
SMG03:41:36 PM, 05/15/2023
HAGEDORN JAMES(Chairman and CEO) sold 25000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$1674853
SMG06:44:26 PM, 02/17/2023
STUMP DENISE(EVP, Global Human Resources) sold 2503 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$216534
SMG09:17:38 PM, 02/13/2023
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 23000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$1843569
SMG01:48:37 PM, 02/09/2023
Johnson Stephen L sold 935 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$75248
SMG10:43:23 PM, 02/07/2023
Hagedorn Partnership, L.P. sold 50000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$4038520
SMG07:57:08 PM, 01/19/2023
HAGEDORN JAMES(Chairman and CEO) sold 50000 shares of SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO CO (SMG) for ~$3038603

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