Southland Holdings, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Southland Holdings, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Southland Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SLND) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Southland Holdings, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Southland Holdings, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SLND
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SLND01:00:16 AM, 01/03/2024
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 832 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$4276
SLND01:00:12 AM, 01/03/2024
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 8128 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$42178
SLND01:00:20 AM, 12/27/2023
Ramirez Mario Enrique purchased 1000 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$5130
SLND01:00:18 AM, 12/27/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 7222 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$37165
SLND01:00:14 AM, 12/27/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 14624 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$75501
SLND01:00:09 AM, 12/21/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 14509 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$73269
SLND12:15:27 AM, 12/16/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 4800 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$24072
SLND12:14:46 AM, 12/16/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 1928 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$9717
SLND01:36:47 AM, 12/13/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 7515 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$38338
SLND10:09:29 PM, 12/07/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 10025 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$52554
SLND12:50:59 AM, 10/26/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 19637 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$126235
SLND09:42:42 PM, 10/18/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 2455 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$15782
SLND09:40:51 PM, 10/10/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 2104 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$14075
SLND10:00:12 PM, 10/05/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 1637 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$10573
SLND09:48:26 PM, 10/02/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 12372 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$85737
SLND09:47:07 PM, 10/02/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 3373 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$21418
SLND10:05:25 PM, 09/27/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 400 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$2590
SLND10:04:57 PM, 09/27/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 900 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$5842
SLND11:16:23 PM, 09/22/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 216 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$1418
SLND11:15:24 PM, 09/22/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 3467 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$22919
SLND11:08:29 PM, 09/19/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 24703 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$168654
SLND11:07:51 PM, 09/19/2023
Renda Rudolph V.(CO-COO AND EVP) purchased 700 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$4382
SLND11:07:19 PM, 09/19/2023
Renda Frankie S.(PRESIDENT AND CEO) purchased 8971 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$61015
SLND09:28:30 PM, 09/13/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 1538 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$10465
SLND12:52:27 AM, 09/09/2023
Winn Walter Timothy(CO-COO AND EVP) sold 4547 shares of Southland Holdings, Inc. (SLND) for ~$30361

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