Real Good Food Company, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Real Good Food Company, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Real Good Food Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: RGF) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Real Good Food Company, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Real Good Food Company, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for RGF
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
RGF09:10:40 PM, 03/01/2024
AWM Investment Company, Inc. sold 543768 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$611223
RGF02:00:08 AM, 11/29/2023
Freeman Bryan T.(See Remarks) purchased 10000 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$19100
RGF11:49:53 PM, 10/26/2023
Kanen David purchased 110000 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$258500
RGF07:47:36 PM, 10/12/2023
Jagdale Akshay(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 23809 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$49998
RGF07:46:08 PM, 10/12/2023
LAW GERARD GARFIELD(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 23809 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$49998
RGF07:43:11 PM, 10/12/2023
de Cardenas Gilbert B. purchased 23809 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$49998
RGF07:41:26 PM, 10/12/2023
Nelson Mark Joseph purchased 80000 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$168000
RGF07:40:28 PM, 10/12/2023
Freeman Bryan T.(See Remarks) purchased 23809 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$49998
RGF11:38:11 PM, 09/21/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 1880 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$7520
RGF12:22:54 AM, 09/19/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 143018 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$572072
RGF01:20:41 AM, 09/13/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 624 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$2652
RGF11:28:37 PM, 09/07/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 103672 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$440605
RGF11:52:08 PM, 08/28/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 806 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$3441
RGF11:31:34 PM, 08/28/2023
Schreider Josh sold 3456022 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$12960082
RGF12:25:37 AM, 08/24/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 4666 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$19939
RGF12:38:15 AM, 08/19/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 50335 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$214405
RGF12:47:51 AM, 08/15/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 40604 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$176434
RGF10:46:18 PM, 08/09/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 18839 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$80496
RGF12:08:51 AM, 08/04/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 1115 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$4747
RGF11:34:22 PM, 07/31/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 22370 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$96056
RGF11:20:21 PM, 07/25/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 9034 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$38479
RGF11:37:39 PM, 07/20/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 35127 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$150177
RGF01:04:59 AM, 07/18/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 22514 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$97434
RGF12:05:05 AM, 07/14/2023
Strand Equity Partners III, LLC sold 21621 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$95964
RGF08:19:16 PM, 06/28/2023
AWM Investment Company, Inc. sold 47786 shares of Real Good Food Company, Inc. (RGF) for ~$167804

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