Permianville Royalty Trust insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Permianville Royalty Trust

Welcome to our dedicated page for Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Permianville Royalty Trust's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Permianville Royalty Trust, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PVL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PVL09:34:44 PM, 08/17/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 400 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$1188
PVL09:26:25 PM, 08/14/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 20582 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$61127
PVL09:26:32 PM, 08/08/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 6966 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$20729
PVL09:18:54 PM, 08/02/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 12319 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$36587
PVL09:04:48 PM, 07/28/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 57182 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$170253
PVL09:24:19 PM, 07/25/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 56532 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$170213
PVL10:00:37 PM, 02/22/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 977 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$2931
PVL09:53:34 PM, 02/16/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 12347 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$37041
PVL10:17:55 PM, 02/13/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 12508 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$37524
PVL10:10:47 PM, 02/08/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 46924 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$141237
PVL09:58:11 PM, 02/02/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 84222 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$253586
PVL10:22:28 PM, 01/30/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 121000 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$367810
PVL10:23:19 PM, 01/25/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 124000 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$377395
PVL10:13:12 PM, 01/20/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 58614 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$176782
PVL10:22:18 PM, 01/17/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 71400 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$217740
PVL09:52:14 PM, 01/10/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 34566 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$104248
PVL10:04:07 PM, 01/05/2023
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 61300 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$188955
PVL10:09:18 PM, 11/09/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 2100 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$7875
PVL09:25:36 PM, 11/04/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 42340 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$159427
PVL09:27:01 PM, 11/01/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 62716 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$238517
PVL09:31:16 PM, 10/27/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 74600 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$286503
PVL09:25:38 PM, 10/24/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 57822 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$219997
PVL09:57:22 PM, 10/19/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 58246 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$219542
PVL09:06:40 PM, 10/14/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 46603 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$176037.28
PVL09:04:25 PM, 10/12/2022
PERMIANVILLE HOLDINGS LLC sold 29184 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) for ~$111616.56

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