POWER INTEGRATIONS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at POWER INTEGRATIONS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (Nasdaq: POWI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by POWER INTEGRATIONS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for POWER INTEGRATIONS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for POWI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
POWI06:46:39 PM, 11/29/2024
WALKER CLIFFORD(VP Corporate Development) sold 10000 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$643600
POWI12:03:26 AM, 11/14/2024
Bailey Doug(VP Marketing) sold 8549 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$555343
POWI10:12:21 PM, 11/05/2024
Jain Gagan(VP, Worldwide Sales) sold 106 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$6622
POWI11:40:22 PM, 08/29/2024
Gupta Sunil(VP of Operations) sold 2127 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$140169
POWI10:14:20 PM, 08/23/2024
Bailey Doug(VP Marketing) sold 165 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$11055
POWI11:36:37 PM, 06/18/2024
Yee Yang Chiah(VP, Worldwide Sales) sold 1412 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$104135
POWI11:17:09 PM, 05/28/2024
Matthews David MH(Chief Technical Officer) sold 9500 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$733115
POWI08:17:09 PM, 05/24/2024
Gupta Sunil(VP of Operations) sold 4512 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$353064
POWI09:51:13 PM, 05/21/2024
Matthews David MH(Chief Technical Officer) sold 5000 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$384400
POWI09:33:10 PM, 05/16/2024
NAYYAR SANDEEP(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5000 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$392500
POWI12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
Bailey Doug(VP Marketing) sold 6357 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$489933
POWI12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
Barsan Radu(VP of Technology, Engineering) sold 1837 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$140640
POWI12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
NAYYAR SANDEEP(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4839 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$373812
POWI11:55:40 PM, 04/03/2024
WALKER CLIFFORD(VP Corporate Development) sold 1096 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$75667
POWI11:55:38 PM, 04/03/2024
NAYYAR SANDEEP(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1946 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$134351
POWI11:55:30 PM, 04/03/2024
Matthews David MH(Chief Technical Officer) sold 1153 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$79603
POWI11:54:21 PM, 04/03/2024
Barsan Radu(VP of Technology, Engineering) sold 1687 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$116470
POWI11:54:12 PM, 04/03/2024
BALAKRISHNAN BALU(President and CEO) sold 9799 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$672309
POWI11:54:02 PM, 04/03/2024
Bailey Doug(VP Marketing) sold 1096 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$75667
POWI02:17:17 AM, 02/28/2024
NAYYAR SANDEEP(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1177 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$87674
POWI02:17:11 AM, 02/28/2024
Matthews David MH(Chief Technical Officer) sold 766 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$57059
POWI02:16:47 AM, 02/28/2024
Gupta Sunil(VP of Operations) sold 657 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$48939
POWI02:16:46 AM, 02/28/2024
Barsan Radu(VP of Technology, Engineering) sold 991 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$73819
POWI02:16:27 AM, 02/28/2024
Bailey Doug(VP Marketing) sold 563 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$41937
POWI02:02:53 AM, 02/27/2024
Barsan Radu(VP of Technology, Engineering) sold 9000 shares of POWER INTEGRATIONS INC (POWI) for ~$657000

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