ORACLE CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ORACLE CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for ORACLE CORP (NYSE: ORCL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ORACLE CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ORACLE CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ORCL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ORCL12:31:31 AM, 09/18/2024
Smith Maria(EVP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 6320 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$1042800
ORCL11:14:21 PM, 07/19/2024
PANETTA LEON E sold 15000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$2068349
ORCL08:48:31 PM, 07/17/2024
ELLISON LAWRENCE JOSEPH(Executive Chairman) sold 2250000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$322049273
ORCL10:24:52 PM, 07/11/2024
Screven Edward(Chief Corporate Architect) sold 426861 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$60575844
ORCL11:20:57 PM, 06/27/2024
Screven Edward(Chief Corporate Architect) sold 37221 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$5218011
ORCL11:49:02 PM, 06/24/2024
Screven Edward(Chief Corporate Architect) sold 235918 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$34041212
ORCL11:11:49 PM, 06/21/2024
BERG JEFFREY sold 22500 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$3220041
ORCL09:19:04 PM, 05/08/2024
BOSKIN MICHAEL J sold 45000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$5298300
ORCL08:52:26 PM, 05/06/2024
CONRADES GEORGE H sold 20000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$2320000
ORCL12:35:55 AM, 05/03/2024
CONRADES GEORGE H sold 25000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$2903250
ORCL11:02:19 PM, 03/27/2024
CATZ SAFRA(Chief Executive Officer) sold 2750000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$346766279
ORCL08:33:26 PM, 03/19/2024
BERG JEFFREY sold 45000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$5750846
ORCL08:31:54 PM, 03/14/2024
HENLEY JEFFREY(Vice Chairman) sold 400000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$50768346
ORCL12:11:18 AM, 12/23/2023
SELIGMAN NAOMI O sold 16300 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$1728126
ORCL12:08:58 AM, 11/14/2023
CONRADES GEORGE H sold 4650 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$524822
ORCL09:58:00 PM, 07/07/2023
Smith Maria(EVP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 5000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$577349
ORCL10:51:47 PM, 06/23/2023
ELLISON LAWRENCE JOSEPH(Executive Chairman) sold 1750000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$207880377
ORCL10:49:22 PM, 06/23/2023
BOSKIN MICHAEL J sold 90000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$10694700
ORCL10:46:42 PM, 06/23/2023
SELIGMAN NAOMI O sold 6200 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$754912
ORCL11:56:20 PM, 06/22/2023
ELLISON LAWRENCE JOSEPH(Executive Chairman) sold 5250000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$640403575
ORCL12:08:58 AM, 06/22/2023
Screven Edward(Chief Corporate Architect) sold 700000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$87005245
ORCL06:23:16 PM, 06/16/2023
BERG JEFFREY sold 4866 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$609758
ORCL12:34:18 AM, 04/14/2023
CATZ SAFRA(Chief Executive Officer) sold 1924058 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$181562135
ORCL12:42:46 AM, 04/13/2023
CATZ SAFRA(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3075942 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$288853842
ORCL12:58:40 AM, 04/05/2023
BERG JEFFREY sold 45000 shares of ORACLE CORP (ORCL) for ~$4214250

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