MURPHY OIL CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at MURPHY OIL CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for MURPHY OIL CORP (NYSE: MUR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by MURPHY OIL CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for MURPHY OIL CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MUR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MUR09:39:33 PM, 03/05/2025Nolan Jeffrey W purchased 10000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$233950Filing
MUR09:23:23 PM, 02/25/2025Utsch Louis W(Vice President) sold 9584 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$269310Filing
MUR12:26:08 AM, 02/07/2025Palanivelu Meenambigai(Vice President) purchased 1573 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$41999Filing
MUR11:46:43 PM, 02/06/2025DEMING CLAIBORNE P purchased 100000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$2651500Filing
MUR08:10:34 PM, 03/14/2024Martinez Maria A(Vice President) sold 10000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$433500Filing
MUR12:39:05 AM, 03/08/2024GARDNER JOHN B(Vice President) sold 40000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$1632800Filing
MUR10:49:01 PM, 03/06/2024Vaughan Paul D.(Vice President & Controller) sold 6000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$237660Filing
MUR09:47:21 PM, 03/01/2024Jenkins Roger W.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 110000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$4442900Filing
MUR09:44:51 PM, 03/01/2024MIRELES THOMAS J(Executive Vice President & CFO) sold 34928 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$1408594Filing
MUR09:41:25 PM, 03/01/2024Hanchera Daniel R(Senior Vice President) sold 30000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$1209600Filing
MUR09:50:38 PM, 02/27/2024Utsch Louis W(Vice President) sold 30260 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$1208584Filing
MUR11:25:47 PM, 09/20/2023Keller Elisabeth W sold 1116 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$50766Filing
MUR09:28:05 PM, 08/09/2023MURPHY ROBERT MADISON sold 100000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$4330000Filing
MUR09:05:44 PM, 08/09/2023GARDNER JOHN B(Vice President) sold 10000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$429500Filing
MUR08:09:56 PM, 05/18/2023MIRELES THOMAS J(Executive Vice President & CFO) sold 14500 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$509530Filing
MUR09:47:20 PM, 02/16/2023Utsch Louis W(Vice President) sold 10902 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$474237Filing
MUR01:10:28 AM, 02/08/2023Vaughan Paul D.(Vice President & Controller) sold 9500 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$392350Filing
MUR09:23:14 PM, 11/16/2022MIRELES THOMAS J(Executive Vice President & CFO) sold 15000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$735900Filing
MUR12:15:10 AM, 11/15/2022Hambly Eric M(Executive Vice President) sold 37000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$1864060Filing
MUR12:06:36 AM, 11/15/2022Jenkins Roger W.(President & CEO) sold 150000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$7578000Filing
MUR11:21:08 PM, 11/14/2022Utsch Louis W(Vice President) sold 2500 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$126050Filing
MUR11:12:31 PM, 11/14/2022Martinez Maria A(Vice President) sold 7500 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$379425Filing
MUR11:00:10 PM, 11/14/2022Whitley Kelly L(Vice President) sold 1907 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$96818Filing
MUR10:43:03 PM, 11/14/2022Vaughan Paul D.(Vice President & Controller) sold 1254 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$58110Filing
MUR09:16:20 PM, 11/09/2022MURPHY ROBERT MADISON sold 50000 shares of MURPHY OIL CORP (MUR) for ~$2402000Filing

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