MICROSOFT CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at MICROSOFT CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for MICROSOFT CORP (Nasdaq: MSFT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by MICROSOFT CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for MICROSOFT CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MSFT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MSFT11:21:04 PM, 12/10/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 2500 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$1118525
MSFT10:53:09 PM, 12/05/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 2000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$874640
MSFT11:02:47 PM, 12/02/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 3500 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$1500655
MSFT11:09:59 PM, 11/25/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 1000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$414720
MSFT11:08:33 PM, 11/25/2024
Althoff Judson(EVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 25000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$10425000
MSFT11:17:07 PM, 11/12/2024
Young Christopher David(EVP, Business Development) sold 7200 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$3050352
MSFT10:07:41 PM, 09/11/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 2500 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$1027600
MSFT10:07:05 PM, 09/11/2024
Hogan Kathleen T(EVP, Chief Human Resources Off) sold 17377 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$7156717
MSFT10:06:43 PM, 09/11/2024
SMITH BRADFORD L(Vice Chair and President) sold 40000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$16103621
MSFT10:04:49 PM, 09/06/2024
Hood Amy(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 38000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$15600900
MSFT10:05:04 PM, 09/05/2024
Nadella Satya(Chief Executive Officer) sold 78353 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$32017054
MSFT10:01:30 PM, 08/26/2024
Nadella Satya(Chief Executive Officer) sold 14398 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$6009868
MSFT10:00:25 PM, 06/04/2024
Numoto Takeshi(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 566 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$235534
MSFT10:00:53 PM, 05/24/2024
Althoff Judson(EVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 25000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$10642000
MSFT10:16:21 PM, 03/12/2024
Hogan Kathleen T(EVP, Chief Human Resources Off) sold 21955 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$8868941
MSFT10:15:50 PM, 03/12/2024
Althoff Judson(EVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 10000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$4036500
MSFT11:15:31 PM, 03/04/2024
Nadella Satya(Chief Executive Officer) sold 1276 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$524359
MSFT11:14:02 PM, 02/06/2024
SMITH BRADFORD L(Vice Chair and President) sold 48303 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$19871502
MSFT11:43:57 PM, 12/11/2023
Hogan Kathleen T(EVP, Chief Human Resources Off) sold 24680 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$9106920
MSFT10:10:03 PM, 09/05/2023
Hogan Kathleen T(EVP, Human Resources) sold 26814 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$8778099
MSFT10:09:38 PM, 09/05/2023
Nadella Satya(Chief Executive Officer) sold 38234 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$12557181
MSFT10:01:57 PM, 08/02/2023
SMITH BRADFORD L(Vice Chair and President) sold 50000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$16860278
MSFT10:06:24 PM, 06/05/2023
List Teri sold 1250 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$418462
MSFT10:03:59 PM, 05/19/2023
Capossela Christopher C(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 5000 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$1584350
MSFT10:09:18 PM, 05/17/2023
Capossela Christopher C(EVP, Chief Marketing Officer) sold 5081 shares of MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) for ~$1588015

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