M-tron Industries, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at M-tron Industries, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for M-tron Industries, Inc. (: MPTI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by M-tron Industries, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for M-tron Industries, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MPTI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MPTI09:02:31 PM, 11/15/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 7500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$450825
MPTI09:04:33 PM, 11/14/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 1500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$78870
MPTI12:40:28 AM, 10/16/2024
Arteaga Ivan sold 2000 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$100820
MPTI08:11:22 PM, 10/01/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 171 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$7113
MPTI08:04:53 PM, 09/10/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 800 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$26792
MPTI08:20:09 PM, 06/25/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 1400 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$46821
MPTI08:01:43 PM, 04/10/2024
GABELLI MARIO J sold 500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$13275
MPTI09:16:13 PM, 01/16/2024
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 40097 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$1507699
MPTI09:02:15 PM, 01/12/2024
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 29044 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$1161469
MPTI11:32:04 PM, 01/10/2024
Drafts William Arnold(President) sold 9710 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$390755
MPTI09:16:04 PM, 01/08/2024
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 27368 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$953774
MPTI09:32:38 PM, 01/04/2024
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 44201 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$1741077
MPTI09:09:14 PM, 12/26/2023
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 10931 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$364846
MPTI09:09:50 PM, 12/18/2023
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 25257 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$698861
MPTI10:22:58 PM, 12/13/2023
FERRANTINO MICHAEL J JR(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$109970
MPTI09:12:47 PM, 12/12/2023
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 44312 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$1543557
MPTI09:29:57 PM, 12/06/2023
Arteaga Ivan sold 9274 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$329759
MPTI09:45:11 PM, 12/05/2023
EMG MADONNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. sold 92620 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$3260463
MPTI07:16:51 PM, 11/22/2023
FERRANTINO MICHAEL J JR(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 50 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$1875
MPTI08:19:57 PM, 09/13/2023
GABELLI MARIO J purchased 200 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$3765
MPTI08:56:17 PM, 08/24/2023
GABELLI MARIO J sold 468 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$7773
MPTI08:29:28 PM, 04/17/2023
GABELLI MARIO J sold 500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$5800
MPTI09:01:08 PM, 12/30/2022
GABELLI MARIO J sold 9000 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$81090
MPTI08:36:14 PM, 12/01/2022
Tivy James William(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 2500 shares of M-tron Industries, Inc. (MPTI) for ~$24375

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