MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (Nasdaq: MDGL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MDGL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MDGL09:36:22 PM, 03/05/2025Kelley Shannon T(General Counsel) sold 415 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$139025Filing
MDGL09:31:51 PM, 03/05/2025Dier Mardi(SVP and CFO) sold 1961 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$637250Filing
MDGL09:24:29 PM, 03/05/2025Huntsman Carole(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 1834 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$597839Filing
MDGL02:24:28 AM, 03/05/2025Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 1227 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$418492Filing
MDGL09:31:10 PM, 02/28/2025Daly James M sold 15470 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$5375120Filing
MDGL09:30:17 PM, 02/28/2025BATE KENNETH sold 20000 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$7128770Filing
MDGL10:18:36 PM, 01/27/2025Huntsman Carole(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 347 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$116328Filing
MDGL10:12:21 PM, 01/27/2025Sibold William John(President and CEO) sold 1584 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$531020Filing
MDGL10:07:51 PM, 01/27/2025Taub Rebecca(Pres., R&D, and CMO) sold 648 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$217235Filing
MDGL10:03:07 PM, 01/27/2025Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 103 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$34529Filing
MDGL12:10:30 AM, 01/18/2025Kelley Shannon T(General Counsel) sold 277 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$75734Filing
MDGL12:08:21 AM, 01/18/2025Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 442 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$120847Filing
MDGL12:05:05 AM, 01/18/2025Taub Rebecca(Pres., R&D, and CMO) sold 1689 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$461789Filing
MDGL09:46:45 PM, 12/05/2024CRAVES FRED B sold 3600 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$1135114Filing
MDGL09:16:14 PM, 11/27/2024CRAVES FRED B sold 3400 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$1191028Filing
MDGL09:30:09 PM, 11/22/2024Huntsman Carole(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 688 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$218040Filing
MDGL10:07:14 PM, 11/08/2024Levy Richard S sold 5000 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$1750000Filing
MDGL12:01:47 AM, 11/06/2024Levy Richard S sold 5000 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$1504709Filing
MDGL01:51:22 AM, 09/12/2024Sibold William John(President and CEO) sold 6363 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$1551490Filing
MDGL01:39:28 AM, 06/19/2024Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 1900 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$532000Filing
MDGL01:44:36 AM, 06/15/2024Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 2000 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$570000Filing
MDGL01:36:56 AM, 05/24/2024Waltermire Robert E.(Senior VP, Chief Pharma Dev.) sold 1036 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$239668Filing
MDGL01:53:56 AM, 05/17/2024CRAVES FRED B sold 22489 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$4787339Filing
MDGL12:53:46 AM, 04/11/2024Taub Rebecca(Pres., R&D, and CMO) sold 2676 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$658263Filing
MDGL12:50:27 AM, 04/11/2024FRIEDMAN PAUL A sold 26270 shares of MADRIGAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (MDGL) for ~$6467476Filing

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