ELI LILLY & Co insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ELI LILLY & Co

Welcome to our dedicated page for ELI LILLY & Co (NYSE: LLY) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ELI LILLY & Co's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ELI LILLY & Co, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LLY
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LLY09:18:15 PM, 11/08/2024
Zakrowski Donald A(SVP, Finance, & CAO) sold 900 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$723042
LLY08:05:08 PM, 09/04/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 24084 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$23281837
LLY08:05:08 PM, 08/28/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 24552 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$23777710
LLY08:21:53 PM, 08/26/2024
Zakrowski Donald A(SVP, Finance, & CAO) sold 750 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$712500
LLY08:05:09 PM, 08/23/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 3196 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$3088374
LLY08:00:06 PM, 07/11/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 210000 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$197361133
LLY08:00:05 PM, 07/09/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 93593 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$85977828
LLY08:00:05 PM, 07/08/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 52369 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$47926996
LLY08:00:11 PM, 07/03/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 8848 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$8098622
LLY08:00:09 PM, 07/02/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 58749 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$53770698
LLY08:00:05 PM, 07/01/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 1441 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$1318543
LLY08:00:05 PM, 06/26/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 188100 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$170009050
LLY08:00:09 PM, 06/25/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 17229 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$15547070
LLY08:00:06 PM, 06/21/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 9671 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$8729708
LLY08:00:07 PM, 06/18/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 194978 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$172733719
LLY08:00:06 PM, 06/17/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 15022 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$13256534
LLY08:00:07 PM, 06/11/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 75510 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$64997236
LLY08:00:07 PM, 06/10/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 139490 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$118886561
LLY08:00:09 PM, 06/07/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 179617 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$150485801
LLY08:00:09 PM, 06/06/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 20383 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$17046665
LLY08:00:08 PM, 06/04/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 192794 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$159974585
LLY08:15:53 PM, 06/03/2024
Zakrowski Donald A(SVP, Finance, & CAO) sold 750 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$614602
LLY08:14:23 PM, 06/03/2024
Norton Johna(EVP, Global Quality) sold 7056 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$5781545
LLY08:00:08 PM, 06/03/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 22206 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$18255872
LLY08:00:06 PM, 05/30/2024
LILLY ENDOWMENT INC sold 130385 shares of ELI LILLY & Co (LLY) for ~$105748168

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