LKQ CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at LKQ CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for LKQ CORP (Nasdaq: LKQ) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by LKQ CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for LKQ CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LKQ
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LKQ06:46:58 PM, 07/29/2024
McKay Matthew J(SVP - General Counsel) purchased 2500 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$99375
LKQ06:46:46 PM, 07/29/2024
Galloway Rick(SVP and CFO) purchased 2500 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$99700
LKQ06:46:36 PM, 07/29/2024
Jude Justin L(President and CEO) purchased 2500 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$99774
LKQ06:46:24 PM, 07/29/2024
CLARKE ANDREW C purchased 7600 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$301720
LKQ10:00:07 PM, 05/30/2024
Hanley Walter P(Senior VP of Development) purchased 483 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$20184
LKQ12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
Berard Patrick sold 867 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$38581
LKQ12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
Urbain Xavier sold 867 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$38581
LKQ01:29:56 AM, 03/02/2024
Zarcone Dominick P(President and CEO) sold 200000 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$10394000
LKQ10:00:15 PM, 12/14/2023
Laroyia Varun(EVP and CEO of LKQ Europe) sold 35000 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$1609650
LKQ10:00:11 PM, 12/14/2023
MCGARVIE BLYTHE J sold 5564 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$260506
LKQ10:40:43 PM, 09/05/2023
Zarcone Dominick P(President and CEO) sold 32000 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$1655680
LKQ09:00:16 PM, 06/07/2023
Divitto Meg sold 2300 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$124567
LKQ10:00:56 PM, 05/11/2023
Mendel John W sold 1290 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$73671
LKQ10:00:25 PM, 05/11/2023
Berard Patrick sold 968 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$55292
LKQ10:00:21 PM, 05/11/2023
Hanser Robert M. sold 968 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$55292
LKQ10:00:17 PM, 05/11/2023
Urbain Xavier sold 968 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$55292
LKQ09:00:26 PM, 05/09/2023
Mendel John W sold 1000 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$56810
LKQ10:50:36 PM, 03/09/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 202751 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$11714952
LKQ12:01:35 AM, 03/07/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 1350000 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$78253000
LKQ10:31:42 PM, 03/03/2023
MCGARVIE BLYTHE J sold 4617 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$263861
LKQ11:15:39 PM, 02/16/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 935930 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$53852882
LKQ09:53:38 PM, 02/13/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 857014 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$48338308
LKQ09:53:38 PM, 02/13/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 857014 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$48338308
LKQ10:27:32 PM, 02/08/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 1317972 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$73889706
LKQ10:27:32 PM, 02/08/2023
ValueAct Holdings, L.P. sold 1317972 shares of LKQ CORP (LKQ) for ~$73889706

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