JUNIPER NETWORKS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at JUNIPER NETWORKS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (NYSE: JNPR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by JUNIPER NETWORKS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for JUNIPER NETWORKS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for JNPR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
JNPR09:14:38 PM, 07/03/2024
Miller Kenneth Bradley(EVP CFO) sold 108669 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$3974078
JNPR09:54:30 PM, 07/01/2024
Miller Kenneth Bradley(EVP CFO) sold 80000 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$2880000
JNPR09:48:44 PM, 06/06/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16665 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$588662
JNPR08:50:31 PM, 05/16/2024
Miller Kenneth Bradley(EVP CFO) sold 15000 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$517050
JNPR09:53:23 PM, 05/03/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16665 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$579996
JNPR09:05:16 PM, 04/05/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16665 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$617326
JNPR11:54:52 PM, 03/06/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16665 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$624770
JNPR10:28:01 PM, 02/22/2024
Mobassaly Robert(SVP General Counsel) sold 5173 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$190262
JNPR10:27:45 PM, 02/22/2024
Leelanivas Manoj(EVP Chief Operating Officer) sold 91558 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$3384652
JNPR09:38:35 PM, 02/16/2024
Miller Kenneth Bradley(EVP CFO) sold 15000 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$556200
JNPR09:38:10 PM, 02/16/2024
DENUCCIO KEVIN A sold 7500 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$278330
JNPR12:24:15 AM, 02/14/2024
Leelanivas Manoj(EVP Chief Operating Officer) sold 98530 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$3645610
JNPR10:49:54 PM, 02/07/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16668 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$616770
JNPR10:59:39 PM, 01/11/2024
Mobassaly Robert(SVP General Counsel) sold 5496 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$199779
JNPR10:36:13 PM, 01/04/2024
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16668 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$494927
JNPR11:50:26 PM, 12/06/2023
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16668 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$479870
JNPR10:15:34 PM, 12/01/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$25533
JNPR11:24:19 PM, 11/08/2023
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16668 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$451424
JNPR08:21:58 PM, 11/01/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$24255
JNPR10:03:46 PM, 10/06/2023
rahim rami(Chief Executive Officer) sold 16668 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$446146
JNPR08:14:46 PM, 10/02/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$24957
JNPR09:17:23 PM, 09/01/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$26298
JNPR08:45:11 PM, 08/15/2023
Miller Kenneth Bradley(EVP CFO) sold 15000 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$414150
JNPR09:58:17 PM, 08/01/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$25182
JNPR09:48:33 PM, 07/05/2023
DelSanto Anne sold 900 shares of JUNIPER NETWORKS INC (JNPR) for ~$28089

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