IVERIC bio, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at IVERIC bio, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for IVERIC bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ISEE) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by IVERIC bio, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for IVERIC bio, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ISEE
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ISEE10:45:38 PM, 07/06/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 20000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$789000
ISEE08:53:47 PM, 06/06/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 20000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$757400
ISEE09:31:37 PM, 05/03/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 40000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$1498599
ISEE09:31:12 PM, 05/03/2023
Carroll David Francis(SVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 63500 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$2352040
ISEE11:27:20 PM, 04/25/2023
Carroll David Francis(SVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 50000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$1510115
ISEE11:25:42 PM, 04/25/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 20000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$601314
ISEE10:48:46 PM, 04/05/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 40000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$1068193
ISEE09:34:25 PM, 03/06/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 20000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$478614
ISEE10:52:56 PM, 02/22/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 15000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$375749
ISEE09:26:32 PM, 02/03/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 40000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$937000
ISEE11:34:54 PM, 01/04/2023
Westby Keith(SVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 3480 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$69808
ISEE11:34:05 PM, 01/04/2023
SBLENDORIO GLENN(Chief Executive Officer) sold 17447 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$349986
ISEE11:33:37 PM, 01/04/2023
Carroll David Francis(SVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 3602 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$72256
ISEE11:33:14 PM, 01/04/2023
Simms Christopher Paul(SVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 2368 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$47502
ISEE12:02:59 AM, 12/21/2022
SBLENDORIO GLENN(CEO) sold 19457 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$418520
ISEE12:02:20 AM, 12/21/2022
Westby Keith(SVP & COO) sold 6740 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$144977
ISEE12:01:29 AM, 12/21/2022
Carroll David Francis(CFO) sold 5671 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$121983
ISEE02:02:24 AM, 12/14/2022
Westby Keith(SVP & COO) sold 12134 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$259142
ISEE02:01:49 AM, 12/14/2022
Carroll David Francis(CFO) sold 8878 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$189605
ISEE10:37:37 PM, 12/05/2022
Westby Keith(SVP & COO) sold 10030 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$230288
ISEE09:01:40 PM, 11/04/2022
SBLENDORIO GLENN(CEO) sold 50000 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$1150500
ISEE12:00:01 AM, 11/04/2022
Westby Keith(SVP & COO) sold 72916 shares of IVERIC bio, Inc. (ISEE) for ~$1744150

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