HighPeak Energy, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at HighPeak Energy, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for HighPeak Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: HPK) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by HighPeak Energy, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for HighPeak Energy, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HPK
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HPK09:10:30 PM, 11/12/2024
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 17262 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$242185
HPK10:30:52 AM, 09/23/2024
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 100000 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$1554000
HPK12:53:23 AM, 09/05/2024
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 53905 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$834529
HPK12:41:17 AM, 08/30/2024
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 132487 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$2047721
HPK07:49:07 PM, 12/29/2023
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 164030 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$2421912
HPK12:08:27 AM, 12/27/2023
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 150442 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$2162771
HPK09:05:17 PM, 12/07/2023
Chernosky Jay M. sold 3615 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$52345
HPK08:24:19 PM, 09/21/2023
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 500000 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$8283959
HPK08:23:58 PM, 09/21/2023
Hollis Michael L.(President) purchased 9829 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$162324
HPK09:24:52 PM, 07/21/2023
DEJORIA JOHN PAUL purchased 6571428 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$68999994
HPK08:26:03 PM, 07/21/2023
Edgeworth Jason A. purchased 5700 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$59850
HPK08:25:45 PM, 07/21/2023
THOLEN STEVEN W(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 9500 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$99750
HPK08:25:24 PM, 07/21/2023
OLDHAM LARRY purchased 28500 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$299250
HPK08:24:57 PM, 07/21/2023
Hollis Michael L.(President) purchased 1142542 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$11996691
HPK08:24:33 PM, 07/21/2023
Forbes Keith E(Vice President and Controller) purchased 14000 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$147000
HPK08:24:13 PM, 07/21/2023
WOODARD RODNEY L(Chief Operating Officer) purchased 130000 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$1365000
HPK08:23:51 PM, 07/21/2023
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 952380 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$9999990
HPK09:24:10 PM, 01/05/2023
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 131539 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$2893858
HPK12:00:27 PM, 12/23/2022
HIGHTOWER JACK(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 50000 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$1095459
HPK11:30:55 PM, 12/07/2022
Hollis Michael L.(President) purchased 31825 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$699357
HPK12:20:54 AM, 11/23/2022
Hollis Michael L.(President) purchased 43002 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$944317
HPK11:48:58 PM, 11/18/2022
Hollis Michael L.(President) purchased 12854 shares of HighPeak Energy, Inc. (HPK) for ~$288330

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