HESS CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at HESS CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for HESS CORP (NYSE: HES) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by HESS CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for HESS CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HES
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HES12:38:24 AM, 11/23/2024
HESS JOHN B(Chief Executive Officer) sold 342894 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$50653072
HES12:50:09 AM, 11/13/2024
Schoonman Geurt G(Senior Vice President) sold 6000 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$851460
HES10:15:28 PM, 11/07/2024
HESS JOHN B(Chief Executive Officer) sold 543679 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$77835856
HES10:00:43 PM, 11/07/2024
Hill Gregory P.(COO and President, E&P) sold 62871 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$8717335
HES08:33:46 PM, 03/21/2024
Schoonman Geurt G(Senior Vice President) sold 13921 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$2103129
HES08:33:03 PM, 03/21/2024
Slentz Andrew P(Senior Vice President) sold 20254 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$3060073
HES10:16:17 PM, 03/08/2024
Goodell Timothy B.(EVP, Gen Counsel & Secretary) sold 2701 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$390348
HES10:12:39 PM, 03/08/2024
Slentz Andrew P(Senior Vice President) sold 1062 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$153480
HES10:12:02 PM, 03/08/2024
Schoonman Geurt G(Senior Vice President) sold 390 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$56362
HES10:11:34 PM, 03/08/2024
RIELLY JOHN P(EVP and CFO) sold 2596 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$375173
HES10:11:09 PM, 03/08/2024
Lynch Richard D.(Senior Vice President) sold 1367 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$197558
HES10:10:55 PM, 03/08/2024
Hill Gregory P.(COO and President, E&P) sold 4708 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$680400
HES10:09:30 PM, 03/08/2024
Lowery-Yilmaz Barbara J(Senior Vice President) sold 1430 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$206663
HES09:48:57 PM, 03/01/2024
Hill Gregory P.(COO and President, E&P) sold 56925 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$8331043
HES11:36:38 PM, 02/29/2024
HESS JOHN B(Chief Executive Officer) sold 209785 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$30621722
HES08:38:15 PM, 09/06/2023
Lowery-Yilmaz Barbara J(Senior Vice President) sold 24319 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$3815884
HES08:37:13 PM, 09/06/2023
Slentz Andrew P(Senior Vice President) sold 24312 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$3808231
HES08:39:24 PM, 08/01/2023
Hill Gregory P.(COO and President, E&P) sold 33414 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$5056540
HES08:29:17 PM, 03/31/2023
Hill Gregory P.(COO and President, E&P) sold 7500 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$993000
HES12:57:20 AM, 03/09/2023
RIELLY JOHN P(EVP and CFO) sold 3380 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$464445
HES12:56:49 AM, 03/09/2023
Lynch Richard D.(Senior Vice President) sold 33191 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$4608204
HES12:55:51 AM, 03/09/2023
Schoonman Geurt G(Senior Vice President) sold 39059 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$5522416
HES12:53:44 AM, 03/09/2023
Lowery-Yilmaz Barbara J(Senior Vice President) sold 2104 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$289110
HES12:53:40 AM, 03/09/2023
Slentz Andrew P(Senior Vice President) sold 1548 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$212710
HES12:52:40 AM, 03/09/2023
Goodell Timothy B.(EVP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary) sold 3527 shares of HESS CORP (HES) for ~$484645

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