Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (NYSE: HASI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HASI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HASI09:49:08 PM, 11/12/2024
Pangburn Marc T.(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 3500 shares of HA Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$100485
HASI08:14:17 PM, 09/17/2024
Eckel Jeffrey(Executive Chair) sold 146000 shares of HA Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$5092143
HASI08:27:26 PM, 09/12/2024
Rose Nathaniel(EVP & CIO) sold 10000 shares of HA Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$335000
HASI08:37:51 PM, 08/21/2023
Eckel Jeffrey(Executive Chair) purchased 2876 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$56826
HASI08:22:45 PM, 08/21/2023
Lipson Jeffrey(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 4000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$84360
HASI08:21:51 PM, 08/21/2023
Brenner Teresa purchased 1000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$20830
HASI08:20:44 PM, 08/21/2023
Santoroski Richard(EVP and Chief Risk Officer) purchased 2500 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$51150
HASI08:19:44 PM, 08/21/2023
Chuslo Steven(EVP AND CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER) purchased 5000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$104650
HASI08:18:47 PM, 08/21/2023
McMahon Daniel K.(EVP) purchased 10000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$211850
HASI08:17:50 PM, 08/21/2023
Rose Nathaniel(EVP & CIO) purchased 5000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$105050
HASI08:17:01 PM, 08/21/2023
Pangburn Marc T.(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 5000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$105450
HASI08:16:04 PM, 08/21/2023
OSBORNE RICHARD J purchased 1000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$19660
HASI08:14:47 PM, 08/21/2023
Melko Charles(CAO & Treasurer) purchased 2000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$42480
HASI10:51:12 PM, 03/16/2023
Nickey Susan D(EVP and Chief Client Officer) purchased 2000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$47820
HASI09:12:34 PM, 03/16/2023
Rose Nathaniel(EVP & CIO) purchased 10000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$241000
HASI08:16:05 PM, 03/16/2023
Lipson Jeffrey(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 3000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$73080
HASI08:09:24 PM, 03/16/2023
Pangburn Marc T.(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 3000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$72360
HASI08:07:45 PM, 03/16/2023
Eckel Jeffrey(Executive Chair) purchased 2087 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$49921
HASI01:36:11 AM, 11/11/2022
OSGOOD STEVEN G purchased 1000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$32100
HASI09:29:18 PM, 11/10/2022
ARDISANA LIZABETH A purchased 825 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$25410
HASI09:30:33 PM, 11/09/2022
OSBORNE RICHARD J purchased 1000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$28580
HASI09:26:19 PM, 11/09/2022
Lipson Jeffrey(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 1000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$29250
HASI09:23:15 PM, 11/09/2022
Eckel Jeffrey(President and CEO) purchased 10000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$292600
HASI09:18:40 PM, 11/09/2022
Rose Nathaniel(EVP & CIO) purchased 10000 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$289390
HASI09:14:41 PM, 11/09/2022
Pangburn Marc T.(EVP and Co-CIO) purchased 2500 shares of Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (HASI) for ~$72125

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