FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ insider trading activity
Understanding Insider Activity at FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/
Welcome to our dedicated page for FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (Nasdaq: FMNB) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.
How to Use This Data:
Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.
While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.
Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.
Track insider trades for FMNBTicker | Time & Date | Filing | Link |
FMNB | 02:10:54 PM, 09/09/2024 | Richardson Gina A purchased 1300 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$19396 | Filing |
FMNB | 03:32:05 PM, 09/06/2024 | Richardson Gina A purchased 83 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$1254 | Filing |
FMNB | 12:09:15 PM, 09/06/2024 | Shaffer Timothy F(SEVP, CCO) sold 1799 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$26985 | Filing |
FMNB | 02:25:13 PM, 07/30/2024 | Wenick Mark J(SEVP/ Chief Wealth Mgr) sold 2000 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$31760 | Filing |
FMNB | 07:27:06 PM, 06/18/2024 | MACALI RALPH D purchased 825 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$10098 | Filing |
FMNB | 12:24:57 PM, 06/12/2024 | MACALI RALPH D purchased 485 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$5756 | Filing |
FMNB | 02:23:17 PM, 05/24/2024 | Richardson Gina A purchased 997 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$12253 | Filing |
FMNB | 04:52:29 PM, 02/26/2024 | Wallace Amber B(Sr VP/Chief Retail/Marketing) purchased 28 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$390 | Filing |
FMNB | 04:49:03 PM, 02/26/2024 | Helmick Kevin J(President & CEO) purchased 72 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$1006 | Filing |
FMNB | 04:50:21 PM, 02/14/2024 | Richardson Gina A purchased 742 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$10068 | Filing |
FMNB | 02:33:42 PM, 01/31/2024 | Shaffer Timothy F(SEVP, CCO) sold 4004 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$56896 | Filing |
FMNB | 02:31:25 PM, 01/31/2024 | Richardson Gina A purchased 735 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$10414 | Filing |
FMNB | 04:17:29 PM, 11/21/2023 | CRAWFORD ANNE FREDERICK purchased 800 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$9960 | Filing |
FMNB | 03:55:19 PM, 11/07/2023 | Wenick Mark J(SEVP/ Chief Wealth Mgr) purchased 210 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$2532 | Filing |
FMNB | 03:42:33 PM, 11/03/2023 | Richardson Gina A purchased 440 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$5328 | Filing |
FMNB | 04:07:42 PM, 11/02/2023 | Thornton Andre purchased 430 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$4880 | Filing |
FMNB | 12:23:47 PM, 10/30/2023 | Richardson Gina A purchased 475 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$5225 | Filing |
FMNB | 12:51:03 PM, 10/13/2023 | Sabat Joseph W(VP/Chief Accounting Officer) purchased 107 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$1246 | Filing |
FMNB | 01:58:20 PM, 10/02/2023 | MACALI RALPH D purchased 500 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$5475 | Filing |
FMNB | 11:53:20 AM, 09/28/2023 | Thornton Andre purchased 428 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$4857 | Filing |
FMNB | 11:34:19 AM, 08/11/2023 | Thornton Andre purchased 349 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$4858 | Filing |
FMNB | 02:19:53 PM, 08/02/2023 | Thornton Andre purchased 355 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$4909 | Filing |
FMNB | 03:17:49 PM, 08/01/2023 | Shaffer Timothy F(SEVP, CCO) purchased 4403 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$46671 | Filing |
FMNB | 12:20:56 PM, 07/06/2023 | Sabat Joseph W(VP/Chief Accounting Officer) purchased 99 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$1255 | Filing |
FMNB | 11:46:54 AM, 05/02/2023 | BESTIC GREGORY C purchased 15000 shares of FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/ (FMNB) for ~$176850 | Filing |
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