FATE THERAPEUTICS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at FATE THERAPEUTICS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (Nasdaq: FATE) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by FATE THERAPEUTICS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for FATE THERAPEUTICS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for FATE
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
FATE08:01:01 PM, 08/07/2024
Xu Yuan sold 633 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$2677
FATE09:24:31 PM, 03/05/2024
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2447 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$19013
FATE09:01:19 PM, 01/30/2024
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1849 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$9245
FATE09:30:36 PM, 01/10/2024
TAHL CINDY(General Counsel and Secretary) sold 10874 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$47519
FATE09:30:15 PM, 01/10/2024
Valamehr Bahram(Chief R&D Officer) sold 11271 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$49366
FATE09:29:56 PM, 01/10/2024
Wolchko J Scott(President and CEO) sold 14391 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$62888
FATE09:29:38 PM, 01/10/2024
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 7028 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$30712
FATE09:03:17 PM, 01/03/2024
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5182 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$18966
FATE02:30:16 AM, 12/29/2023
Redmile Group, LLC purchased 44630 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$166023
FATE09:01:11 PM, 12/19/2023
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1585 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$5547
FATE09:01:53 PM, 11/13/2023
TAHL CINDY(General Counsel and Secretary) sold 24363 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$58471
FATE08:02:44 PM, 08/21/2023
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4718 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$13210
FATE08:01:00 PM, 08/07/2023
Xu Yuan sold 632 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$2344
FATE09:19:21 PM, 07/06/2023
Powl Brian T.(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 3854 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$18768
FATE09:18:18 PM, 07/06/2023
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5182 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$25029
FATE08:05:31 PM, 06/15/2023
Xu Yuan sold 3460 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$19306
FATE01:55:13 AM, 04/22/2023
Redmile Group, LLC purchased 276639 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$1705829
FATE08:07:25 PM, 04/19/2023
Chu Yu-Waye(Chief Medical Officer) sold 2532 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$16646
FATE01:30:24 AM, 04/18/2023
Redmile Group, LLC sold 302339 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$1765659
FATE11:20:08 PM, 01/13/2023
MENDLEIN JOHN purchased 124679 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$698138
FATE09:09:38 PM, 01/11/2023
Wolchko J Scott(President and CEO) sold 45907 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$240552
FATE09:08:52 PM, 01/11/2023
Valamehr Bahram(Chief R&D Officer) sold 10917 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$57205
FATE09:08:03 PM, 01/11/2023
TAHL CINDY(General Counsel and Secretary) sold 11553 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$60537
FATE09:07:13 PM, 01/11/2023
Plavsic Mark(Chief Technical Officer) sold 3418 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$17910
FATE09:06:43 PM, 01/11/2023
Dulac Edward J III(Chief Financial Officer) sold 7331 shares of FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) for ~$38414

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