EVERBRIDGE, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at EVERBRIDGE, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for EVERBRIDGE, INC. (Nasdaq: EVBG) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by EVERBRIDGE, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for EVERBRIDGE, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for EVBG
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
EVBG11:07:14 PM, 07/01/2024
Barney Bryan Reed(Chief Product Officer) sold 3276 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$114627
EVBG08:15:14 PM, 06/04/2024
Di Leo John P.(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 1524 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$52989
EVBG08:30:38 PM, 04/02/2024
Barney Bryan Reed(Chief Product Officer) sold 3344 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$116504
EVBG10:30:10 PM, 03/05/2024
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 71 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$2506
EVBG10:30:08 PM, 03/05/2024
Barney Bryan Reed(Chief Product Officer) sold 5772 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$203405
EVBG10:30:05 PM, 03/05/2024
Di Leo John P.(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 5037 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$177705
EVBG09:40:08 PM, 02/06/2024
Barney Bryan Reed(CHIEF PRODUCT OFFICER) sold 730 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$20520
EVBG09:29:20 PM, 02/01/2024
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 313 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$7133
EVBG09:28:09 PM, 02/01/2024
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 6360 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$144944
EVBG10:37:50 PM, 01/02/2024
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 150 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$3528
EVBG10:29:44 PM, 01/02/2024
Barney Bryan Reed(Chief Product Officer) sold 7509 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$176611
EVBG10:57:59 PM, 12/04/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 994 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$20396
EVBG08:04:35 PM, 11/02/2023
WAGNER DAVID(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3160 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$65032
EVBG08:03:42 PM, 11/02/2023
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 270 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$5556
EVBG08:02:50 PM, 11/02/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 847 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$17431
EVBG12:13:37 AM, 10/03/2023
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) sold 281 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$6322
EVBG08:41:09 PM, 09/05/2023
HUFF PHILLIP E(VP, Chief Accounting Officer) purchased 431 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$9003
EVBG08:40:25 PM, 09/05/2023
Barney Bryan Reed(Chief Product Officer) purchased 730 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$15249
EVBG08:18:20 PM, 09/01/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 992 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$24869
EVBG09:45:07 PM, 08/14/2023
DAMORE RICHARD A purchased 11000 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$246290
EVBG09:43:30 PM, 08/14/2023
Paris Simon purchased 3000 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$64530
EVBG08:23:17 PM, 08/10/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 507 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$11590
EVBG08:34:19 PM, 08/02/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 7426 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$225230
EVBG08:09:25 PM, 06/02/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 1008 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$24060
EVBG08:33:03 PM, 06/01/2023
Brickley Patrick(EVP and CFO) sold 110 shares of EVERBRIDGE, INC. (EVBG) for ~$15563

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