DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (NYSE: DRI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for DRI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
DRI10:03:04 PM, 01/22/2025Broad Matthew R(SVP General Counsel) sold 12759 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$2390653Filing
DRI08:58:36 PM, 01/17/2025ATKINS M SHAN sold 1100 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$199221Filing
DRI08:16:23 PM, 01/15/2025Burrowes Todd(President, Business Developmt) sold 15783 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$2888812Filing
DRI10:30:36 PM, 01/08/2025Connelly Susan M.(SVP, Chief Comm & PA Officer) sold 9264 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$1710875Filing
DRI01:55:09 PM, 12/30/2024Martin Melvin John(President, SRG) sold 9470 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$1781022Filing
DRI09:50:13 PM, 12/26/2024Vennam Rajesh(SVP, CFO) sold 7228 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$1313399Filing
DRI02:05:18 PM, 10/08/2024Martin Melvin John(President, SRG) sold 3000 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$489900Filing
DRI03:19:36 PM, 10/02/2024Connelly Susan M.(SVP, Chief Comm & PA Officer) sold 3320 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$542587Filing
DRI07:57:10 PM, 09/30/2024Martin Melvin John(President, SRG) sold 2000 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$334460Filing
DRI09:05:10 PM, 09/26/2024Williamson Laura B(President, LongHorn Steakhouse) sold 6392 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$1106204Filing
DRI04:39:22 PM, 09/26/2024Madonna John W.(SVP, Corporate Controller) sold 4735 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$818965Filing
DRI08:43:04 PM, 09/25/2024MENSAH NANA sold 1171 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$201294Filing
DRI07:40:44 PM, 09/25/2024Broad Matthew R(SVP General Counsel) sold 4360 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$749832Filing
DRI07:38:40 PM, 09/25/2024Kiernan Daniel J.(President, Olive Garden) sold 20665 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$3552313Filing
DRI06:59:53 PM, 09/25/2024Cardenas Ricardo(President and CEO) sold 42403 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$7279877Filing
DRI06:51:40 PM, 09/25/2024Williamson Laura B(President, LongHorn Steakhouse) sold 1666 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$286542Filing
DRI06:51:39 PM, 09/25/2024Milanes Douglas J.(SVP, Chief Supply Chain Ofcr) sold 5705 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$981488Filing
DRI09:07:46 PM, 07/31/2024Kiernan Daniel J.(President, Olive Garden) sold 169 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$24021Filing
DRI09:07:42 PM, 07/31/2024King Sarah H.(SVP, Chief People Officer) sold 15941 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$2344229Filing
DRI11:22:23 PM, 07/30/2024Kiernan Daniel J.(President, Olive Garden) sold 85 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$12081Filing
DRI11:21:12 PM, 07/30/2024Broad Matthew R(SVP General Counsel) sold 5171 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$757448Filing
DRI08:18:54 PM, 07/26/2024Martin Melvin John(President, SRG) sold 2500 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$352725Filing
DRI04:42:25 PM, 04/26/2024Broad Matthew R(SVP General Counsel) sold 4707 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$734998Filing
DRI06:34:24 PM, 04/09/2024Simon William S sold 1219 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$192857Filing
DRI06:40:35 PM, 03/29/2024Martin Melvin John(President, SRG) sold 10773 shares of DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC (DRI) for ~$1789656Filing

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