CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (Nasdaq: CSCO) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for CISCO SYSTEMS, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for CSCO
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
CSCO01:14:04 AM, 12/13/2024
Subaiya Thimaya K.(EVP, Operations) sold 3042 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$180055
CSCO01:13:24 AM, 12/13/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 586 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$34392
CSCO01:10:22 AM, 12/13/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 2660 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$157498
CSCO10:43:34 PM, 12/06/2024
JOHNSON KRISTINA M sold 7500 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$449025
CSCO12:39:30 AM, 12/03/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 4881 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$291542
CSCO12:44:34 AM, 11/22/2024
Subaiya Thimaya K.(EVP, Operations) sold 21230 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$1211596
CSCO10:58:51 PM, 11/19/2024
Robbins Charles(Chair and CEO) sold 171744 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$9873562
CSCO10:56:35 PM, 11/19/2024
Herren Richard Scott(EVP and CFO) sold 86351 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$4964318
CSCO10:55:45 PM, 11/19/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 58188 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$3345228
CSCO10:33:21 PM, 09/12/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 638 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$31319
CSCO10:32:59 PM, 09/12/2024
Subaiya Thimaya K.(EVP, Operations) sold 1328 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$64965
CSCO10:32:27 PM, 09/12/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 2642 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$129325
CSCO10:47:11 PM, 08/28/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 3379 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$170166
CSCO09:01:53 PM, 08/22/2024
Subaiya Thimaya K.(EVP, Operations) sold 8270 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$416229
CSCO11:42:49 PM, 08/20/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 7462 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$368668
CSCO11:41:45 PM, 08/20/2024
Robbins Charles(Chair and CEO) sold 27143 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$1342121
CSCO11:40:47 PM, 08/20/2024
Herren Richard Scott(EVP and CFO) sold 22309 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$1115450
CSCO11:00:25 PM, 06/14/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 2619 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$118745
CSCO10:58:28 PM, 06/14/2024
Subaiya Thimaya K.(EVP, Operations) sold 13896 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$629766
CSCO10:56:30 PM, 06/14/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 762 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$34610
CSCO08:12:44 PM, 05/31/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 3378 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$155016
CSCO08:10:18 PM, 05/31/2024
Robbins Charles(Chair and CEO) sold 26331 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$1213859
CSCO10:24:37 PM, 05/21/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 8016 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$386691
CSCO11:02:26 PM, 03/14/2024
Wong Maria Victoria(SVP & Chief Acctg Officer) sold 2497 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$124850
CSCO10:59:49 PM, 03/14/2024
Stahlkopf Deborah L(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 3239 shares of CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. (CSCO) for ~$162043

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