Bioventus Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Bioventus Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Bioventus Inc. (Nasdaq: BVS) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Bioventus Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Bioventus Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for BVS
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
BVS10:16:00 PM, 08/20/2024
Bartholdson John A. purchased 105500 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$902025
BVS08:59:16 PM, 06/25/2024
Singleton Mark Leonard(SVP & CFO) sold 9219 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$51349
BVS08:58:41 PM, 06/25/2024
D'Adamio Anthony(SVP & General Counsel) sold 5904 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$32885
BVS08:58:05 PM, 06/25/2024
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 2559 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$14253
BVS08:27:26 PM, 06/21/2024
Singleton Mark Leonard(SVP & CFO) sold 13753 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$80317
BVS08:25:48 PM, 06/21/2024
D'Adamio Anthony(SVP & General Counsel) sold 11308 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$66038
BVS08:24:50 PM, 06/21/2024
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 8759 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$51152
BVS10:03:06 PM, 04/15/2024
Singleton Mark Leonard(SVP & CFO) sold 4000 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$19000
BVS10:00:41 PM, 04/15/2024
D'Adamio Anthony(SVP & General Counsel) sold 3054 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$14506
BVS09:58:56 PM, 04/15/2024
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 1325 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$6293
BVS09:36:27 PM, 03/25/2024
Singleton Mark Leonard(SVP & CFO) sold 5541 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$29865
BVS10:41:50 PM, 03/20/2024
D'Adamio Anthony(SVP & General Counsel) sold 3125 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$17062
BVS10:41:34 PM, 03/20/2024
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 1217 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$6644
BVS10:20:27 PM, 08/22/2023
Bihl Anthony P III(Interim CEO) purchased 39885 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$165123
BVS09:48:52 PM, 08/15/2023
Bartholdson John A. purchased 65022 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$301948
BVS08:05:12 PM, 08/15/2023
Juniper Investment Company, LLC purchased 176870 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$799906
BVS10:04:09 PM, 08/14/2023
Bartholdson John A. purchased 111848 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$499960
BVS09:11:07 PM, 07/05/2023
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 394 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$1115
BVS08:30:45 PM, 06/16/2023
Bartholdson John A. purchased 292126 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$987254
BVS09:54:25 PM, 06/14/2023
Bartholdson John A. purchased 455725 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$1338558
BVS12:05:01 AM, 06/09/2023
CHURCH KATRINA J(SVP & Chief Compliance Officer) sold 131 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$1007
BVS08:28:55 PM, 05/26/2023
HAWKINS WILLIAM A purchased 88000 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$235400
BVS01:17:32 AM, 05/25/2023
Bihl Anthony P III(Interim CEO) purchased 125000 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$291250
BVS01:16:28 AM, 05/24/2023
Bartholdson John A. purchased 1315673 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$2577464
BVS09:45:03 PM, 04/21/2023
Nosenzo John(Fmr. Chief Commercial Officer) sold 142 shares of Bioventus Inc. (BVS) for ~$1250

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