BRP Group, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at BRP Group, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for BRP Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRP) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by BRP Group, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for BRP Group, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for BRP
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
BRP12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Cohen Seth Bala(General Counsel) sold 10834 shares of Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$325345
BRP12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Roche James Morgan(See Remarks) sold 25000 shares of Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$754228
BRP12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Galbraith Daniel(See Remarks) sold 181481 shares of Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$5436727
BRP12:58:33 AM, 03/16/2024
Cohen Seth Bala(General Counsel) sold 1033 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$29998
BRP12:09:12 AM, 03/14/2024
Baldwin Lowry sold 100000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$2893196
BRP12:30:43 AM, 12/02/2023
Baldwin Lowry purchased 0 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$0
BRP12:30:22 AM, 12/02/2023
Baldwin Insurance Group Holdings, LLC purchased 0 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$0
BRP09:15:34 PM, 11/13/2023
Valentine John A.(Chief Partnership Officer) purchased 5000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$99900
BRP09:15:32 PM, 11/13/2023
Hale Bradford(Chief Financial Officer) purchased 10000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$199700
BRP09:47:50 PM, 09/15/2023
Sherman Laura sold 54695 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$1435407
BRP08:23:28 PM, 09/13/2023
Baldwin Lowry sold 120000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$3117600
BRP11:44:13 PM, 09/11/2023
Sherman Laura sold 145305 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$3858090
BRP11:00:25 PM, 09/08/2023
Baldwin Lowry sold 172000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$null
BRP08:24:57 PM, 09/06/2023
Galbraith Daniel(Chief Operating Officer) sold 60316 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$1561581
BRP12:52:36 AM, 08/26/2023
Baldwin Trevor(Chief Executive Officer) sold 238147 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$6037026
BRP10:35:07 PM, 08/21/2023
Wiebeck Kristopher Aaron(Chief Strategy Officer) sold 55000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$1381050
BRP10:34:56 PM, 08/21/2023
Baldwin Lowry(Chairman) sold 188552 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$4849557
BRP08:10:09 PM, 08/18/2023
Cohen Seth Bala(General Counsel) sold 9858 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$247928
BRP08:05:19 PM, 05/12/2023
Cohen Seth Bala(General Counsel) sold 2000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$44940
BRP09:30:56 PM, 12/05/2022
Baldwin Lowry(Chairman) purchased 0 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$0
BRP09:30:48 PM, 12/05/2022
Baldwin Insurance Group Holdings, LLC purchased 0 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$0
BRP09:30:15 PM, 12/01/2022
Wiebeck Kristopher Aaron(Chief Strategy Officer) sold 25000 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$733400
BRP09:17:36 PM, 11/21/2022
Cohen Seth Bala(General Counsel) sold 3463 shares of BRP Group, Inc. (BRP) for ~$97829

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