ACCURAY INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ACCURAY INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for ACCURAY INC (Nasdaq: ARAY) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ACCURAY INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ACCURAY INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ARAY
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ARAY08:29:55 PM, 09/06/2024
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 8404 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$17312
ARAY08:10:10 PM, 06/06/2024
Chalke Sandeep(SVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 26799 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$45558
ARAY08:10:09 PM, 06/06/2024
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 2701 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$4591
ARAY08:10:11 PM, 05/30/2024
WHITTERS JOSEPH E purchased 100000 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$156000
ARAY09:15:22 PM, 03/05/2024
Hoge Michael(Senior VP Global Operations) sold 11991 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$31056
ARAY09:15:16 PM, 01/05/2024
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 2116 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$5797
ARAY09:15:14 PM, 01/05/2024
Corradetti GIna(VP, CAO and Controller) sold 14129 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$38713
ARAY01:50:50 AM, 12/05/2023
Spine Patrick(SVP, Chief Admin Officer) sold 14832 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$36635
ARAY01:50:47 AM, 12/05/2023
Winter Suzanne C(President) sold 65390 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$161513
ARAY01:50:44 AM, 12/05/2023
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 13463 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$33253
ARAY01:50:24 AM, 12/05/2023
Chew Jesse(SVP, General Counsel) sold 29770 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$73531
ARAY01:50:20 AM, 12/05/2023
Hoge Michael(Senior VP Global Operations) sold 19212 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$47453
ARAY01:50:19 AM, 12/05/2023
Chalke Sandeep(SVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 14585 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$36024
ARAY09:00:22 PM, 11/03/2023
Winter Suzanne C(President) sold 38338 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$98528
ARAY09:31:52 PM, 11/01/2023
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 3303 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$8521
ARAY08:30:29 PM, 10/04/2023
Winter Suzanne C(President) sold 17119 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$44851
ARAY08:30:26 PM, 10/04/2023
Chew Jesse(SVP, General Counsel) sold 9026 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$23648
ARAY08:30:20 PM, 10/04/2023
Spine Patrick(SVP, Chief Admin Officer) sold 5863 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$15361
ARAY08:30:19 PM, 10/04/2023
Hoge Michael(Senior VP Global Operations) sold 8353 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$21884
ARAY08:30:29 PM, 09/06/2023
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 8195 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$23355
ARAY09:00:32 PM, 07/03/2023
Winter Suzanne C(President) sold 17085 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$65264
ARAY08:25:25 PM, 06/02/2023
Chalke Sandeep(SVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 26168 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$92896
ARAY08:25:14 PM, 06/02/2023
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 2637 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$9361
ARAY09:25:18 PM, 03/02/2023
Hoge Michael(Senior VP Global Operations) sold 11977 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$34613
ARAY09:30:59 PM, 01/05/2023
Pervaiz Ali(SVP Chief Financial Officer) sold 2053 shares of ACCURAY INC (ARAY) for ~$4229

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