Ameresco, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Ameresco, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Ameresco, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Ameresco, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for AMRC
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
AMRC10:01:57 PM, 11/19/2024
Sutton Joseph W. purchased 15000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$393300
AMRC09:38:47 PM, 11/15/2024
Sakellaris George P(President and CEO) purchased 25000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$663500
AMRC10:02:43 PM, 09/19/2024
Bakas Michael T(Executive Vice President) sold 104 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$3914
AMRC10:01:31 PM, 09/19/2024
Maltezos Louis P(Executive Vice President) sold 75 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2823
AMRC09:59:43 PM, 09/19/2024
Chiplock Mark(EVP, CFO & CAO) sold 98 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$3688
AMRC09:58:16 PM, 09/19/2024
Christakis Peter(Executive Vice President) sold 104 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$3914
AMRC09:55:44 PM, 09/19/2024
Corrsin David J(EVP and General Counsel) sold 120 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$4361
AMRC08:56:42 PM, 08/14/2024
Hole Spencer Doran(EVP and CFO) sold 5000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$132650
AMRC11:58:30 AM, 06/03/2024
Chiplock Mark(SVP & CAO) sold 3000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$105000
AMRC10:42:22 PM, 03/19/2024
Chiplock Mark(SVP & CAO) sold 101 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2073
AMRC10:42:06 PM, 03/19/2024
Hole Spencer Doran(EVP and CFO) sold 108 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2217
AMRC10:41:19 PM, 03/19/2024
Maltezos Louis P(Executive Vice President) sold 78 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$1601
AMRC10:40:58 PM, 03/19/2024
Corrsin David J(EVP and General Counsel) sold 106 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2176
AMRC10:40:38 PM, 03/19/2024
Christakis Peter(Executive Vice President) sold 108 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2217
AMRC10:40:14 PM, 03/19/2024
Bakas Michael T(Executive Vice President) sold 108 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$2217
AMRC10:03:26 PM, 11/21/2023
Sakellaris George P(President and CEO) purchased 10000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$287622
AMRC11:25:03 PM, 11/16/2023
Sakellaris George P(President and CEO) purchased 25000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$683342
AMRC10:10:27 PM, 11/13/2023
Sakellaris George P(President and CEO) purchased 40000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$902655
AMRC10:10:08 PM, 11/13/2023
Bulgarino Nicole E(Executive Vice President) purchased 15000 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$336000
AMRC01:23:46 AM, 09/20/2023
Sakellaris George P(President and CEO) sold 1072 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$46642
AMRC01:20:46 AM, 09/20/2023
Corrsin David J(EVP and General Counsel) sold 109 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$4741
AMRC12:27:27 AM, 09/20/2023
Bakas Michael T(Executive Vice President) sold 112 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$4873
AMRC12:25:48 AM, 09/20/2023
Maltezos Louis P(Executive Vice President) sold 81 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$3524
AMRC12:24:14 AM, 09/20/2023
Hole Spencer Doran(EVP and CFO) sold 92 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$4002
AMRC12:21:20 AM, 09/20/2023
Christakis Peter(Executive Vice President) sold 112 shares of Ameresco, Inc. (AMRC) for ~$4873

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