AFLAC INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at AFLAC INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for AFLAC INC (NYSE: AFL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by AFLAC INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for AFLAC INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for AFL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
AFL10:29:52 PM, 12/30/2024TILLMAN AUDREY B(Executive Vice President) sold 24744 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$2558497Filing
AFL09:11:00 PM, 11/12/2024MOSKOWITZ JOSEPH L sold 600 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$64998Filing
AFL09:26:30 PM, 08/09/2024MOSKOWITZ JOSEPH L sold 600 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$59730Filing
AFL09:27:55 PM, 08/08/2024KENNY THOMAS J sold 2000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$197880Filing
AFL01:27:27 PM, 05/23/2024LAKE CHARLES D II(Chairman & Rep. Director, ALIJ) sold 22378 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$1957403Filing
AFL12:00:01 AM, 05/10/2024MOSKOWITZ JOSEPH L sold 600 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$50904Filing
AFL01:18:07 PM, 03/22/2024KENNY THOMAS J sold 5000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$423100Filing
AFL09:26:34 PM, 03/15/2024RIGGIERI ALBERT(SVP, Global CRO) sold 8000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$666720Filing
AFL10:28:24 PM, 02/23/2024Collins Arthur Reginald sold 3000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$239190Filing
AFL02:18:13 PM, 02/20/2024LAKE CHARLES D II(Chairman & Rep. Director, ALIJ) sold 32259 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$2577816Filing
AFL02:11:36 PM, 02/20/2024Koide Masatoshi(Pres. and Rep. Director, ALIJ) sold 30493 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$2436695Filing
AFL09:09:50 PM, 02/12/2024MOSKOWITZ JOSEPH L sold 600 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$47178Filing
AFL02:27:59 PM, 02/07/2024Lloyd Karole purchased 1000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$77280Filing
AFL02:17:57 PM, 02/07/2024BOWERS WILLIAM P purchased 1500 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$114000Filing
AFL02:26:50 PM, 02/06/2024TILLMAN AUDREY B(Executive Vice President) sold 16280 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$1247290Filing
AFL02:20:05 PM, 02/06/2024RIMER BARBARA K sold 18210 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$1391426Filing
AFL02:24:17 PM, 12/05/2023BEAVER STEVEN KENT(FSVP, Deputy CFO, Aflac Japan) sold 3114 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$257558Filing
AFL01:26:22 PM, 11/13/2023Koide Masatoshi(Pres. and Rep. Director, ALIJ) sold 32000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$2570240Filing
AFL02:28:35 PM, 11/09/2023HOWARD JUNE P(Sr. Vice President) sold 6000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$486060Filing
AFL10:28:58 PM, 11/06/2023LAKE CHARLES D II(Chairman & Rep. Director, ALIJ) sold 17800 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$1459066Filing
AFL02:29:38 PM, 11/06/2023BOWERS WILLIAM P sold 23701 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$1931868Filing
AFL02:26:50 PM, 11/06/2023Crawford Frederick John(President & COO) sold 100000 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$8137000Filing
AFL08:46:48 PM, 10/03/2023MOSKOWITZ JOSEPH L sold 500 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$38235Filing
AFL09:24:04 PM, 08/22/2023Daniels James Todd(EVP, CFO Aflac Japan) sold 3355 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$249981Filing
AFL09:19:17 PM, 08/18/2023RIGGIERI ALBERT(SVP, Global CRO, Chief Actuary) sold 7649 shares of AFLAC INC (AFL) for ~$582012Filing

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