Autodesk, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Autodesk, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Autodesk, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSK) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Autodesk, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Autodesk, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ADSK
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ADSK09:29:50 PM, 12/11/2024
NORRINGTON LORRIE M sold 1778 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$542947
ADSK09:19:26 PM, 12/09/2024
NORRINGTON LORRIE M sold 1778 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$543925
ADSK01:35:57 AM, 11/16/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$167783
ADSK07:03:05 PM, 10/16/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$156920
ADSK09:30:58 PM, 10/11/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 54 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$14828
ADSK12:45:56 AM, 10/02/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 54 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$14828
ADSK11:33:38 PM, 09/30/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 286 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$78604
ADSK09:49:10 PM, 09/16/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$146025
ADSK11:02:42 PM, 09/03/2024
Blum Steven M(EVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 17344 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$4682880
ADSK09:42:17 PM, 08/15/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$136499
ADSK09:16:09 PM, 07/15/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$139331
ADSK10:35:48 PM, 07/11/2024
Blum Steven M(EVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 19693 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$4923250
ADSK08:13:10 PM, 07/01/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 75 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$18316
ADSK10:30:51 PM, 06/17/2024
Blum Steven M(EVP, Chief Operating Officer) sold 17413 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$3942303
ADSK09:11:07 PM, 06/17/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 1650 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$378081
ADSK09:30:41 PM, 04/02/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 75 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$18726
ADSK11:31:36 PM, 03/28/2024
Hope Stephen W.(SVP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 1757 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$457645
ADSK11:27:57 PM, 03/28/2024
Clifford Deborah(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 5553 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$1443820
ADSK11:24:32 PM, 03/28/2024
Anagnost Andrew(President and CEO) sold 21053 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$5473607
ADSK09:37:36 PM, 03/15/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$141163
ADSK10:47:46 PM, 03/07/2024
Pearce Rebecca(EVP, Chief People Officer) sold 1628 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$409508
ADSK10:37:49 PM, 03/01/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 5000 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$1375000
ADSK02:08:47 AM, 02/16/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 550 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$145607
ADSK01:09:37 AM, 01/23/2024
MCDOWELL MARY T sold 2500 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$625000
ADSK12:21:36 AM, 01/20/2024
Smith Stacy J sold 7554 shares of Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) for ~$1843176

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