ADOBE INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ADOBE INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for ADOBE INC. (Nasdaq: ADBE) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ADOBE INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ADOBE INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ADBE
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ADBE09:01:40 PM, 12/10/2024
Banse Amy sold 606 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$333300
ADBE09:16:57 PM, 10/31/2024
Forusz Jillian(SVP & CAO) sold 676 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$327839
ADBE09:12:37 PM, 10/28/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 481 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$232525
ADBE09:47:46 PM, 10/17/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 2233 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$1142136
ADBE08:21:22 PM, 09/26/2024
NARAYEN SHANTANU(Chair and CEO) sold 25000 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$13039407
ADBE08:28:15 PM, 09/19/2024
Durn Daniel(EVP & CFO) sold 6500 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$3350335
ADBE08:45:51 PM, 07/26/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 97 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$52089
ADBE08:45:43 PM, 07/26/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 481 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$258297
ADBE10:37:19 PM, 07/17/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 151 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$85254
ADBE10:36:33 PM, 07/17/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 2231 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$1252935
ADBE08:50:50 PM, 06/28/2024
NARAYEN SHANTANU(Chair and CEO) sold 25000 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$13602650
ADBE08:29:14 PM, 06/20/2024
Rao Dana(EVP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary) sold 6765 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$3555075
ADBE09:27:44 PM, 06/18/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 264 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$138734
ADBE09:34:12 PM, 06/04/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 593 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$265414
ADBE08:09:28 PM, 05/08/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 795 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$389629
ADBE08:57:51 PM, 05/03/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 2713 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$1286775
ADBE11:18:54 PM, 04/25/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 97 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$45435
ADBE08:11:54 PM, 04/23/2024
Chakravarthy Anil(President, DX) sold 100 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$47100
ADBE08:49:14 PM, 04/17/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 96 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$45120
ADBE12:48:10 AM, 03/29/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 2711 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$865134
ADBE12:45:10 AM, 03/29/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 2710 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$1111587
ADBE08:57:25 PM, 03/19/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 263 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$130626
ADBE12:42:14 AM, 01/27/2024
Belsky Scott(Chief Strategy Officer & EVP) sold 3055 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$1850068
ADBE12:41:34 AM, 01/27/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 788 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$484950
ADBE11:10:25 PM, 01/17/2024
Garfield Mark S.(SVP & CAO) sold 84 shares of ADOBE INC. (ADBE) for ~$49727

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