ACV Auctions Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ACV Auctions Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for ACV Auctions Inc. (Nasdaq: ACVA) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ACV Auctions Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ACV Auctions Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for ACVA
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
ACVA09:19:25 PM, 12/12/2024
Chamoun George(Chief Executive Officer) sold 350000 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$7576792
ACVA09:17:21 PM, 12/12/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 15000 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$327150
ACVA09:21:51 PM, 12/11/2024
Anderson Craig Eric(CCDSO) sold 240563 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$5359743
ACVA09:16:09 PM, 11/27/2024
ZERELLA WILLIAM(Chief Financial Officer) sold 32500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$728325
ACVA09:06:52 PM, 11/14/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 21483 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$449209
ACVA09:15:26 PM, 11/13/2024
Hirsch Brian sold 146681 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$3034829
ACVA08:43:18 PM, 10/17/2024
ZERELLA WILLIAM(Chief Financial Officer) sold 32500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$610675
ACVA08:39:23 PM, 10/17/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 18001 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$338238
ACVA09:29:12 PM, 10/03/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 16098 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$321155
ACVA08:37:31 PM, 09/23/2024
Peer Andrew(VP, Corporate Controller) sold 1795 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$37695
ACVA09:40:03 PM, 09/19/2024
Chamoun George(Chief Executive Officer) sold 350000 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$7118363
ACVA09:35:15 PM, 09/19/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 75000 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$1517999
ACVA09:24:22 PM, 09/18/2024
ZERELLA WILLIAM(Chief Financial Officer) sold 82500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$1672521
ACVA08:34:53 PM, 09/16/2024
Anderson Craig Eric(CCDSO) sold 7500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$150000
ACVA08:31:28 PM, 09/16/2024
Peer Andrew(VP, Corporate Controller) sold 1601 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$32020
ACVA10:49:26 PM, 09/12/2024
Mehta Vikas(Chief Operating Officer) sold 154324 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$2961477
ACVA08:16:02 PM, 09/06/2024
Peer Andrew(VP, Corporate Controller) sold 573 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$10394
ACVA08:11:11 PM, 09/06/2024
KAMERICK EILEEN A sold 25000 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$445749
ACVA08:37:06 PM, 08/27/2024
Mehta Vikas(Chief Operating Officer) sold 154323 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$2891579
ACVA09:11:38 PM, 08/23/2024
Hirsch Brian sold 61666 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$1148837
ACVA08:14:20 PM, 08/21/2024
Fitzgerald Leanne(Chief Legal Officer) sold 73167 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$1379197
ACVA08:28:40 PM, 08/19/2024
Peer Andrew(VP, Corporate Controller) sold 1150 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$21850
ACVA08:28:42 PM, 08/08/2024
ZERELLA WILLIAM(Chief Financial Officer) sold 32500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$493675
ACVA10:06:30 PM, 07/11/2024
ZERELLA WILLIAM(Chief Financial Officer) sold 32500 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$569075
ACVA10:05:19 PM, 07/11/2024
Waterman Michael(Chief Sales Officer) sold 26336 shares of ACV Auctions Inc. (ACVA) for ~$461143

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